Pave Ahead Releases New Series of Technical Flyers, Brochures

The NRMCA Pave Ahead team has released a new series of technical flyers and brochures titled Under the Banner of Enhancing Concrete’s Performance. "These one- and two-page publications will highlight specific practices and materials that make good concrete better,” said NRMCA Senior Vice President, Local Paving, Phil Kresge.

The first publication in the series, Enhancing Concrete’s Performance: Jointing Concrete, is now available for download at This two-page flyer identifies the three types of joints that should be used in concrete slabs and pavement and describes characteristics that can affect the joints. Future topics will include fiber-reinforced concrete, dowels and tie bars, concrete sealers and others.

Click here to download the flyer that is seen here. For more information, contact Phil Kresge at

National Ready Mixed Concrete Association