NRMCA Updates Resources for Online Concrete Carbon Tool


NRMCA’s Concrete Carbon Tool was launched in 2024 and has quickly become a foundational item in advocating for the sustainable benefits and capabilities of concrete materials. The Build With Strength team has been promoting the tool’s use while utilizing it as a consulting resource with design teams as they work towards reducing, quantifying and specifying low carbon concrete throughout the country. In an effort to offer supportive resources for using the tool in an on-demand and downloadable format, the NRMCA sustainability page has been updated. Updates include a 30-minute video presentation by Build With Strength’s Senior Director, Building Innovations, Brandon Wray on carbon reduction strategies and how to use NRMCA’s Concrete Carbon Tool and LCA for Ready Mixed Concrete Report. Additionally, a print guide on using the tool has been added to guide users through the tool’s use.

The ready mixed concrete industry is consistently under pressure from the design community to lower the carbon intensity of concrete. In working with designers, the Build With Strength team has steadily become trusted experts who can highlight the sustainable and resilient benefits of concrete while showing that low carbon concrete is achievable. The Concrete Carbon Tool and supporting resources further reinforce this effort and allow for the concrete industry’s voice to be heard.

The tool and supporting resources can be accessed here. For more information, contact Brandon Wray at

National Ready Mixed Concrete Association