NRMCA Member2Member Benefit Program Offers Savings to Ready Mix Producers

NRMCA’s Member2Member (M2M) program provides better service and more value to all members, with a growing list of Associate members offering Producer members a vast array of savings through rebates and discounts on everything from truck purchases, software, maintenance and technical services to business solutions.

Join NRMCA’s M2M partner and Associate member Slabstack on Wednesday, June 26, at 1 p.m. Eastern time for an exclusive webinar where you'll hear directly from Matthew Jetmore, executive vice present and general manager Central Region at Lauren Concrete, about the company's journey in optimizing operations and increasing profitability with technology.

Visit all NRMCA dedicated services through the updated M2M webpage where you can explore the offerings.
Neither membership in NRMCA nor participation in the M2M Benefits Program can in any way be construed as an endorsement, explicit or implicit, of any company, product or service by the Association. NRMCA accepts no responsibility in any dispute between supplier and customer. The M2M Benefits Program is intended solely as an informational service. Participating companies are responsible for insuring all M2M benefit information is correct.

For more information, contact either Jacques Jenkins at or Heather Houck at

National Ready Mixed Concrete Association