NRMCA e-news
Association & Industry News

The Portland Cement Association (PCA) announced Monday the soft launch of Shaped by Concrete, a new educational campaign to increase awareness of the sustainability, resiliency and durability of concrete made with cement. Shaped by Concrete will focus on key themes often overlooked and underrepresented in conversations and media coverage of cement and concrete, including their ability to meet sustainable development goals, decrease costs from natural disasters and assist with key societal challenges such as our nation’s housing crisis. The sustainability and environmentally conscious aspects of concrete are a core component of the campaign. General audiences will be targeted with content focused on these aspects as the campaign moves forward.

This new campaign is meant to complement and work in tandem with the existing Build With Strength campaign efforts as well as other marketing and communications activities from other sister associations. Shaped by Concrete will feature stories based on four core themes, with a strong focus on sustainability, exploring how these construction materials shape the world around us to make our communities, cities and country better. With impacts from climate change, growing populations and accelerating urbanization creating demand for safe, affordable housing, there has never been a more important time to explain to a broad audience how and why concrete became – and continues to be – the material of choice for virtually every type of construction through its positive impacts on society.

As the campaign progresses, additional content such as videos, articles and graphics will be added to the Shaped by Concrete website, while the Twitter and Facebook accounts will bring these positive stories about concrete into new conversations about the future of our society.

For more information and to explore the new Shaped by Concrete campaign, visit or contact Nick Ferrari at and/or Mike Zande at Click here to view the full Shaped by Concrete announcement.

The estimated ready mixed concrete produced in November 2019 is 29 million cubic yards, 2% higher than that in November 2018. The estimated production in the U.S. for 2019 through November is 347 million cubic yards, 3.4% higher than that during the same period in 2018.

Ready mixed concrete production is estimated from cement shipments reported by the U.S. Geological Survey. More detail is available to NRMCA members here.

Las Vegas, Miami, Denver and Boston are just a few of the cities where NRMCA will hold events in 2020 and where your company can be seen. With more than 6,000 members and partners in the ready mixed concrete industry who rely on NRMCA for training and information, NRMCA is a powerful force in the ready mixed concrete industry around the globe. Click here to examine the numerous opportunities in the 2020 NRMCA Sponsorship Program to reach key buying influencers in the industry. Regardless of your budget, you’ll find opportunities that can deliver to a powerful, receptive audience at an affordable cost.

Sponsorship opportunities are limited and sold on a first-come, first-serve basis. So act now to join the growing list of members who support NRMCA through annual sponsorship!

For more information, contact Jacques Jenkins at 703-706-4865 or

   WAM USA, Inc.       CarbonCure Technologies Inc.    
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Following Massachusetts’ Governor Charlie Baker’s recent State of the State Address in Boston, Build With Strength (BWS) voiced support of comments he made concerning affordable housing.

“The need for affordable housing in Massachusetts cannot be understated and we applaud Governor Baker for his continued push for such an important issue in the Commonwealth," said BWS spokesman Kevin Lawlor. "While the need to increase housing is apparent, the need to do so safely and responsibly should also be considered a top priority. HB 3844, an Act Relative to the Use of Safe Building Materials, is a solution to the safety and resiliency of multi-family residential construction in Massachusetts. As the Legislature proceeds to expand housing to address cost issues, we encourage them to do so in tandem with this bill. While cost is important and addressed in using safer materials, so too is the structural integrity of future residential units across the Commonwealth.”

Build With Strength is a coalition led by the National Ready Mixed Concrete Association that consists of community organizations, fire safety professionals, engineers, architects and industry experts who are committed to strengthening the nation’s building codes and ensuring greater access to secure housing. To date, Build With Strength Massachusetts includes the support of Bricklayers & Allied Craftsmen Union Local 3, Teamsters Local 25, International Union of Operating Engineers Local 4, Ironworkers Local 7, Massachusetts Concrete & Aggregate Producers Association, New England Concrete Manufacturers Association, Operative Plasterers’ and Cement Mason International Association, and other national partners.

Learn more at

Late last month, the Kentucky Concrete Association (KCA), the Kentucky ACI chapter and the Insulating Concrete Forms Manufacturers Association (ICF-MA) hosted an insulated concrete forms (ICF) symposium with guest speakers along with a concurrent installation training event. The event was also accompanied with a tour of a nearby Drury Inn & Suites where the exterior walls were made with ICF. The purpose of the event was to enhance the construction infrastructure to build with ICFs; they are quickly becoming the method of choice for all forms of construction due to speed and safe construction, operation maintenance and energy savings, resilience, sound control and building insurance discounts. These benefits are creating ICF project demand, so training to deliver a knowledgeable contractor workforce which can augment its portfolio of construction services is critical. Nearly 100 architects, engineers, concrete contractors and ready mixed concrete producers were in attendance and offered continuing education credits and AIA credits following completion of the event.

“The energy and environmental benefits of using systems like ICFs are clear,” said Kevin Lawlor, spokesperson for Build With Strength. “It is important as an industry leader that we engage on efforts that make a positive impact in the community and on the environment. The state of Kentucky has a forward-thinking approach to the future of construction and should be applauded for its efforts. We look forward to continued partnership and hope that other states take a similar approach.”

Randy White of ICF-MA/Nudura (left) addresses participants on the benefits and anatomy of an ICF block. Kenny Stanfield of SCB Architects (center) discusses success stories of net zero energy ICF schools in Kentucky. At right, Scott Peterson of Drury Southwest, Inc. showed audience members how the hotel was constructed.

Build With Strength has recently partnered with ICF-MA and launched ICF contractor training. The training is driven locally by NRMCA state affiliates and is targeting concrete contractors, framers, masons and other tradespersons who will learn the techniques to expand their construction services portfolio and be more competitive in today’s construction environment.

As part of the Build With Strength campaign, NRMCA promotes sustainable concrete solutions for buildings. For more information, contact Derek Torres at or 973-876-0938.

The Boston Planning and Development Agency is projecting 40 inches of sea-level rise by 2070, putting vast new swaths of the city within the 100-year flood plain. To prepare, the agency has recommended adopting a zoning overlay and released a set of design guidelines for projects residing within that zone. If the zoning overlay is adopted, new projects and large renovation projects, affecting more than 6,500 parcels, may be subject to new design guidelines aimed to protect against sea-level rise.The design guidelines outline the primary strategies for making buildings more resilient to sea level rise, including:

• elevating buildings (on open foundations, filled subgrade space or on fill);

• ensuring the structural integrity of building envelopes (wet floodproofing or dry floodproofing); and

• safeguarding critical building systems (elevating equipment, protecting the motors and controls for elevators and including backup water-management systems).

Build With Strength, a coalition led by NRMCA, promotes resilient concrete construction through communications, project promotion, education and advocacy,and can help leverage policies to help place more concrete. For more information contact Tien Peng at or 206-913-8535.

The Connecticut Concrete Promotion Council in conjunction with the CT AIA, CT Green Building Council, NRMCA and Build With Strength recently hosted a NetZero Schools Summit at Yale University’s Hastings Hall (seen here). This critical conversation on carbon mitigation and innovations showcased experts from across the U.S. who discussed sustainability, carbon sequestration in construction and methods to achieve Net Zero schools.  The summit was an encouraging first step toward a growing awareness from the design and construction industries of a carbon positive future with concrete, reports NRMCA Senior Director, Building Innovations, Doug O'Neill.

The all-day event attracted 180 attendees and received very high marks from the evaluations reviewed.
The line-up of speakers was formidable, including Dr. Jeremy Gregory, PhD. from the MIT Concrete Sustainability Hub; Dr. Brent Constantz, PhD. from Blue Planet; Dr. Sean Monkman, PhD. from CarbonCure Technologies; Dr. Gaurav Sant, PhD from UCLA; Dr. Nicholas DeCristofaro, PhD. from Solidia Technologies; Jennifer Mitchell, LEED AP from LinkedIn Corporation; Ken Stanfield, AIA from Sherman Carter Barnhart Architects; Tony Hans PE, RCDD, LEED AP from CMTA Engineers and Dr. Christopher Drew, PhD., from Smith + Gill Architecture.

The evolution of this event began with Dominic Di Cenzo, executive director of the Connecticut Concrete Promotion Council, accepting an invitation from Tom Evans, executive director of the Maryland Ready Mix Concrete Association, to attend a USGBC conference on net zero schools in the Washington, DC, area. Seeing the need to bring a similar program to his state, Di Cenzo then contacted his local AIA chapter which immediately saw this as a great opportunity to educate its members. NRMCA’s Gregg Lewis was a key contributor to the success of this event by compiling the impressive list of speakers, along with negotiating with Yale University to host the event and helping to promote the event through different media sources.

For more information on how to organize a similar event in your area, contact Doug O’Neill at, Gregg Lewis at, Dominic Di Cenzo at or Tom Evans at

   Euclid Chemical Company       Con-Tech Manufacturing, Inc.    
   BASF Construction Chemicals       Charah Solutions, Inc    
Government Affairs

Last week, Chairman DeFazio and the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Democratic leadership released a framework for a $760 billion infrastructure investment as part of the surface transportation reauthorization. Current surface transportation programs, authorized through the FAST Act, expire at the end of September. The framework outlines investment in roads, bridges, transit systems, airports and ports, as well as water and wastewater systems, broadband and other infrastructure-related priorities. The five-year reauthorization designated $434 billion for highway and transit investments of which $319 billion is dedicated to highways, with emphasis on maintenance and good repair and resilient infrastructure.  Republicans released their principles just ahead of the Democratic framework.

Following the release of the Democrats’ infrastructure framework and the Republicans’ principles, NRMCA was invited to participate in an infrastructure roundtable discussion by Reps. Rodney Davis (R-IL) and Dan Lipinski (D-IL) who are both co-chairs of NRMCA’s Congressional Ready Mixed Concrete Caucus. Also participating were representatives from the Portland Cement Association and American Highway Users Alliance. Stakeholder groups stressed the importance of a long-term, sustainable funding stream for the Highway Trust Fund. NRMCA raised the importance of workforce development, resilient construction and materials neutrality as well as support for the framework’s emphasis on the good repair and maintenance of the highway system.

NRMCA will continue to engage with Reps. Davis and Lipinski, as well as other members of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, as we move ahead with an infrastructure bill.

To read the full framework, click here. NRMCA is seeking member company’s comments on this framework. To participate in the survey and provide feedback, see more details on the survey in the E-NEWS item below.

After the release of Chairman DeFazio’s infrastructure framework, the House Small Business Committee, chaired by NRMCA champion Nydia Velazquez (D-NY), sought NRMCA’s feedback on how the framework would impact small businesses. As a result, NRMCA Government Affairs team is seeking member feedback on the framework through this survey. We will aggregate, anonymize and communicate the feedback provided by NRMCA members to the Small Business Committee.

Please take some time – or have someone from your company take some time – to work through the survey. This will not only inform our discussions with the Small Business Committee but will provide valuable industry perspective on these proposals. Click here to take the survey.

NRMCA Government Affairs team is pleased to announce two upcoming Government Affairs events:

  • A webinar recapping 2019 Government Affairs activities and providing the outlook for our 2020 legislative and political agenda will take place Thursday, February 20, at 2:30 p.m. Eastern time.
  • NRMCA, PCA and NSSGA will hold a joint Government Affairs meeting at NRMCA’s Annual Convention 2020 in Las Vegas, NV. on Sunday, March 8, at 3:30 p.m.. An agenda and room location will be distributed in coming weeks.

To RSVP for either or both items, contact Andrew Tyrrell at


Last week, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) announced it will delay, by two years, implementation of the new Entry-Level Driver Training (ELDT) requirements rule to February 7, 2022. It was originally scheduled to go into effect this year on February 7. Specifically, the ELDT rule established guidelines for minimum training requirements for individuals seeking to obtain a commercial driver’s license (CDL) to operate a commercial motor vehicle (CMV). FMCSA has delayed the rule to complete the buildout of the online platforms necessary to execute the new program.

The ELDT rule was required by the 2012 transportation bill known as “MAP-21”, which stated that FMCSA must develop regulations “concerning ELDT for drivers operating commercial motor vehicles in interstate or intrastate commerce.” In complying with the MAP-21 requirement, FMCSA implemented a process for a “negotiated rulemaking” whereby “25 key FMCSA stakeholders… [consisting of] motor carrier transportation, highway safety, driver training, state licensing, law enforcement, labor union and insurance organizations… convened for six two-day negotiating sessions to reach a consensus on minimum training standards for entry-level drivers.”

The rule, finalized in 2017, established for the first time a universal and comprehensive training standard requiring both behind-the-wheel (BTW) instruction and specific topics to be covered during classroom instruction. The new requirements apply to “individuals applying for their initial CDL; an upgrade of their CDL or a hazardous materials, passenger, or school bus endorsement for their license.” The training also has to be conducted by a certified entity listed on the new Training Provider Registry. The requirements for obtaining a Class B CDL to operate a ready mixed concrete truck are also included in the new rule. While there is not a minimum number of BTW and classroom instruction hours, there is a required comprehensive curriculum that needs to be covered followed by the driver’s demonstration of proficiency of the curriculum and BTW training elements.

Click here for more information about the ELDT Rule and here to review the delay notice. For more information, contact Kevin Walgenbach at

The Safety Contest & Benchmarking Survey has for years been a safety performance and incentive/award program aimed to foster safe practices at ready mixed concrete plants across the nation. The Safety Contest & Benchmarking Survey is a per-plant contest open to facilities operated by NRMCA member companies in good standing in 2019. Companies with more than one division are encouraged to distribute entry blanks to individuals responsible for keeping safety records at each plant location. Entries must be e-mailed to by Friday, April 24.

Click here for more information, staff contact and to download the entry form.

Employers should have displayed their OSHA 300A log where employees have access to it as of February 1. The summary log needs to stay posted through Friday, April 30.

Click here for more information on OSHA recordkeeping requirements and here to access OSHA 300A forms and instructions. For more information, contact Gary Mullings at or Kevin Walgenbach at

The Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA), put into law in 1986, requires industries to report on the “storage, use and releases of hazardous chemicals (and materials) to federal, state, and local governments.” This specific reporting requirement under EPCRA is commonly referred to as Community Right-to-Know (CRTK) reporting, Tier II reporting, and/or Section 311/312 reporting. The reporting deadline is March 1.

Click here to learn more about EPCRA, chemical/material thresholds and how to report,. For more information, contact Gary Mullings at or Kevin Walgenbach at

Traditionally, about 90% of RMC industry expenses occur in the operations and production arena. Can you afford to not have your managers be the most skillful and knowledgeable in that area? These 2020 classes below support their - and your – efforts to contribute to your bottom line.

Effective Supervisor Workshop - November 9-11, Nashville, TN; registration to open soon

Enviromental Certification Course - November 17-19, Glendora, CA

Plant Manager Certification Course - March 24-27 in Boston, April 28-May 1 in New Orleans and December 15-18 in Phoenix

RMC Safety Certification Course - May 13-15 in Glendora, CA and October 20-22 in Mendota Heights, MN; regististration to open soon.

For more information, contact Eileen Dickson at

The Financial Performance Improvement Group is pleased to announce that the first offering of its new course, Think Like an Owner, is now sold out.

For more information on this course, including staff contact, please click here.

The Financial Performance Improvement Group will meet at 7 a.m. on Monday, March 9, at NRMCA’s Annual Convention in Las Vegas, NV. An agenda and room location will be provided in coming weeks.

For more information, contact Andrew Tyrrell at

The 2020 Performance Benchmarking Survey (PBS; formerly known as Industry Data Survey) and 2020 Compensation Survey questionnaires have been sent. NRMCA would like them returned as soon as possible. The Financial Performance Improvement Group is seeking an early release of the finished product this year, so the earlier the questionnaires are returned the earlier NRMCA can turn around the reports. If we receive enough early reports, those participants may receive an early preview of raw data.

If your company is an NRMCA member but has not previously participated in the Performance Benchmarking or Compensation surveys, please contact Andrew Tyrrell to learn how you can participate. The PBS and Compensation Survey reports provide valuable insights and are provided free to participating NRMCA member companies.

For more information, contact Andrew Tyrrell at

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   Xypex Chemical Corp       MAPEI    
   Terex Advance       Ryder Fuel Services    

The American Concrete Institute has processed ACI 301, Specification for Concrete Construction, for public discussion. The document will be available for review by the public for a 45-day discussion period that ends in mid-March; a comment file has to be used. This is the final step before a new version of ACI 301 is published later this summer. The comments will be reviewed and addressed by Committee 301 at the next ACI Convention in March. The committee can choose to make changes to the specification before it is published or defer suggested changes as new business for the next cycle.

The draft ACI 301 posted for public discussion and comment form is available here. Other ACI standards posted for public discussion include ACI 332 – Residential Code, and ACI 522.1, Specification for Construction of Pervious Concrete Pavement. The comment file(s) should be e-mailed to

NRMCA presents the Richard D. Gaynor award to an individual for lifetime contributions that have positively impacted the ready mixed concrete industry. The award is named for Mr. Gaynor who retired as executive vice president of the NRMCA Engineering Division in 1996 after more than 40 years with the association. This year, the NRMCA Research Engineering and Standards (RES) Committee has selected Jerry S. Haught, PE, as the recipient of the Gaynor award. Mr. Haught recently retired from CEMEX and remains active as a consultant to the industry. He managed an impressive quality management program with Rinker Materials followed by CEMEX in Florida and other U.S. divisions. Mr Haught advanced to broader managerial responsibilities toward the end of his career.

Mr. Haught was active at CMEC in Florida, the Florida Concrete & Products Association, ACI and NRMCA. At ACI he was served on committees on hot weather concreting, high strength concrete and specifications. He was a member of the NRMCA RES Committee and strongly supported the association’s research initiatives, the efforts to evolve to performance-based specifications and initiatives to revise industry standards with a practical focus. Mr. Haught chaired the NRMCA plant certification task group that under his tenure made several improvements to content and policy, including establishing an education and approval process for plant inspectors. He will receive the award at the Awards Breakfast on March 8 at the NRMCA Annual Convention in Las Vegas.

Past recipients of the Richard D. Gaynor award and their accomplishments can be viewed here. For more information, contact Colin Lobo at

   Concrete Pump Supply       Hendrickson Auxiliary Axle Systems    

April 28 – May 1, New Orleans
NRMCA Plant Manager Certification Course
Email: Jessica Walgenbach, 703-706-4852

April 29, Charlotte, NC
Improving Concrete Quality Course
Email: Jessica Walgenbach, 703-706-4852

May 13 – 15, Glendora, CA
Concrete Safety Course
Email: Jessica Walgenbach, 703-706-4852

May 20, Nashville, TN
Handling Concrete Specifications, Low Strength Problems and Mixture Submittals
Email: Jessica Walgenbach, 703-706-4852

September 25 – 29, Denver
NRMCA's ConcreteWorks
Email: Jessica Walgenbach, 703-706-4852

November 17 – 19, Glendora, CA
Environmental Course for the Ready Mixed Concrete Industry
Email: Jessica Walgenbach, 703-706-4852

December 15 – 18, Phoenix
NRMCA Plant Manager Certification Course
Email: Jessica Walgenbach, 703-706-4852

If you wish to be added to the wait list for courses currently listed as Sold Out, please send your request to


*Please note that e-mail and direct links to each event listed below can be accessed from NRMCA's Web site.

February 6, Omaha, NE
Insulating Concrete Forms (ICF) Contractor Training Course
Email: Rochelle Hitz, 402-325-8414

February 11 – 12, Orlando, FL *Sold Out
Financial Performance Course
Email: Andrew Tyrrell, 703-706-4856

February 20, Castle Hayne, NC
Insulating Concrete Forms (ICF) Contractor Training Course
Email: Jessica Palmer, 864-238-7839

February 25 – 28, Miami *Sold Out
NRMCA Plant Manager Certification Course
Email: Jessica Walgenbach, 703-706-4852

March 7 – 9, Las Vegas
NRMCA 2020 Annual Convention
Email: Jessica Walgenbach, 703-706-4852

March 10 – 14, Las Vegas
Email: Jessica Walgenbach, 703-706-4852

March 17 – 19, Dallas
CCSP Module IV: Sales Fundamentals for Sales and Non-Sales Staff
Email: Jessica Walgenbach, 703-706-4852

March 24 – 27, Boston
NRMCA Plant Manager Certification Course
Email: Jessica Walgenbach, 703-706-4852

   Basys Processing, Inc.       Shumaker Industries