NRMCA e-news
Association & Industry News

NRMCA’s recently concluded annual convention in Las Vegas resulted in significant developments for its members and the industry at large, many of which are COVID-19 related. Department heads have held multiple discussions with their respective committees on how best to navigate these uncertain weeks and months to come. The following is a summary from various departments:

SEO - The Safety, Environmental and Operations (SEO) Committee met to highlight the concerns surrounding developments with the coronavirus and its impacts to employers and employees as well as held discussions on NRMCA’s new industry-wide safety program and its different elements.

Members relayed that many were still working out their response to their employees and workplace policies to address the growing concern of spreading COVID-19. Many stated that they have instituted new social distancing, cleanliness and hygiene policies. As of the meeting time, however none of the attending members had started telecommuting practices, which were slated for the following weeks. NRMCA noted that it was committed to providing whatever assistance it could provide to its members, including sharing what NRMCA has already communicated to its employees. NRMCA made very clear that it was imperative that all personnel not only adhere to the facts of the situation, but also guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and not rely on media hyperbole. To this end, NRMCA communicated that following the meeting, resources would be sent to committee members to help inform them about COVID-19 and to help them formulate their own company policies and communications moving forward. Since the meeting NRMCA has communicated numerous resources to the committee members and will continue to provide any necessary guidance.

Committee members also communicated their liking of the latest addition to NRMCA’s new industry-wide safety program, the Monthly Safety Initiative which began in January. Each issue is covered at a high level via a one-page document meant to help quickly facilitate communication of information and training on topics relevant to the industry. Since January, topics have included Slips, Trips and Falls, Mixer Truck Rollover Prevention and Silica Compliance with many more to come. The initiatives are meant to be shared, used as a training tool, printed, posted and/or distributed; each of which is encouraged.

The committee then discussed the numerous upcoming SEO recognition programs and their submission due dates:

At the recently concluded annual convention in Las Vegas, NRMCA membership elected John Carew of Carew Concrete & Supply Co. as chairman of the Board of Directors, succeeding William Sandbrook, U.S. Concrete Co., Inc. Succeeding Mr. Carew as vice chairman is Abbott Lawrence, Martin Marietta. John Holliday of Holliday Rock Co. is the new secretary/treasurer, replacing Mr. Lawrence. And Mr. Sandbrook is now the immediate past chairman, succeeding Rodney Grogan, MMC Materials, Inc.

Earlier in the convention, NRMCA presented the following awards:

  • State Association of the Year Award
  • Richard D. Gaynor Award
  • William B. Allen Award
  • Buildings Promoter of the Year Award
  • Pavement Promoter of the Year Award
  • State Affiliate Promoter of the Year Award
  • John Roberts Lifetime Achievement Award for Promotion
  • Concrete Cares Award
  • Shydlowski-Turner Materials Leadership Award
  • Bruno Benna Advocacy Award
  • Joseph E. Carpenter Award
  • Robert A. Garbini Chairman's Award
  • NRMCA Driver of the Year Award

Please click here to read more about each winner. For more information, contact Frank Cavaliere at

The U.S. heavy equipment industry came together to stage a successful CONEXPO-CON/AGG 2020 despite the concerns of COVID-19 that has enveloped the entire nation, according to a press release recently distributed by show management. Registrations for the show totaled over 130,000; at the conclusion of the show, cancellations from international attendees totaled less than 1 percent, management stated. Key metrics included the following:

  • U.S. buyer attendance increased 8 percent from the 2017 show, and total buyer attendance improved by almost 5 percent.
  • Overall contractor and producer attendance grew by 14 percent.
  • 6-in-7 attendees serve in a decision-making role.
  • Total registered attendance reached over 130,000 for the week.
  • Attendees purchased a record-breaking 75,622 tickets for education sessions at the show, a 46-percent increase from the 2017 show.

Click here to read the release. For more information, contact Sandra Mason at 414-298-4122 or 920-342-4405 or

   WAM USA, Inc.       CarbonCure Technologies Inc.    
[New eBook Alert] Building ROI for Construction & Ready-Mix Fleets
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Struggling with backing accidents and side-swipes? Mystery damage? Have you seen an increase in workers comp claims? Then this eBook is for you.
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Build With Strength has created a resource center to act as a clearinghouse for organizations that wish to assist in convincing governors that the construction industry should be included as essential in any emergency declaration relating to COVID19. Please consider authoring letters and joining the effort.

For more information contact NRMCA Senior Vice President of State and Local Government Affairs John Loyer at 703-675-7603 or

   Euclid Chemical Company       Con-Tech Manufacturing, Inc.    
   BASF Construction Chemicals       Charah Solutions, Inc    
Government Affairs

Over the past two weeks, NRMCA and its allies have been continuously engaged with lawmakers and staff in an effort to ensure that ready mixed concrete companies and the construction industry are included in relief efforts.

State of Play: While things shift from hour to hour in Washington, as of noon yesterday the Senate’s bipartisan Saturday/Sunday agreement on this bill had fallen apart as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi expressed opposition over the weekend and cobbled together a House “Phase Three” proposal - a $2.5 trillion discombobulation of random spending and outlandish far-left demands. The situation is further complicated because the Senate needs 60 votes to move to vote on anything – and Leader McConnell is down five senators who have either tested positive or are self-quarantining after possible exposure. The House, which is in recess, has logistical issues with in-person voting and has canceled votes for the foreseeable future given the need to minimize members’ contact with others. However, Speaker Pelosi has threatened to call members back to vote if needed.

Industry Priorities: Among other items, NRMCA’s Government Affairs team has engaged the Senate over the paid leave provisions in H.R. 6201; the designation of the ready mixed concrete industry and the construction industry broadly as a distressed industry eligible for relief funds; tax provisions in Phase Three; the importance of infrastructure and the importance of designating construction as an essential service.

Unified Front: In all these communications, NRMCA, NSSGA and PCA have made every effort to present a unified, joint message, including construction industry associations whenever possible and advocating for the construction industry broadly, not only ready mix, cement and aggregates.

State Advocacy: In addition, NRMCA’s Government Affairs team has worked in unison with our state and local government affairs teams to empower our state affiliates and our members to communicate the importance of the construction industry, urging their respective governors to designate it as essential. To date, a number of states have declared construction an essential service. You can see more on NRMCA’s resource page here and you can send a letter to your governor here.

Infrastructure: As the potential for an economic crisis grows, the talk of infrastructure as a potential mid- to long-term economic stimulus and recovery plan has increased. While it is not expected to be included in Phase Three, we expect it to be in Phase Four or Phase Five. NRMCA has joined the Transportation Construction Coalition and other groups in advocating for passage of an infrastructure bill as soon as possible.

For a deeper dive, click on our Government Affairs Committee COVID-19 updates here and here. For more information, contact Andrew Tyrrell at


Last week, representatives from NRMCA and multiple organizations from the Hours of Service (HOS) Construction Coalition held a conference call with the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB). NRMCA and the coalition relayed their strong support for the most recent Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) proposal to add flexibilities to the current HOS rules. The common theme communicated to OMB was the transition in this proposal from a traditional one-size-fits-all HOS scheme to a more versatile approach that better suits the construction industry. NRMCA noted that the new proposal, specific to ready mixed concrete, will also allow for a better uniform application of HOS rules across all types and drivers of different commercial motor vehicles, from mixer trucks to aggregate haulers and cement tankers.

The new proposal, once reviewed and approved by OMB, will be returned to FMCSA for publication as a final rule. Further action by FMCSA is anticipated within the next couple of months.

Click here to review the new HOS proposal. For more information, contact Kevin Walgenbach at kwalgenbach at

The NRMCA’s Annual Safety Award acknowledges the significant contribution that safety work practices gives to the growth and success of individual companies and the ready mixed concrete industry as a whole. The NRMCA Annual Safety Award is presented to an individual or company whose actions represent the very highest in the advancement of safety in the ready mixed concrete industry. The award program is generously sponsored by the Truck Mixer Manufacturers Bureau and may be presented to an individual whose single action or longtime commitment to safety and health in the ready mixed concrete industry exemplifies superior performance in the field of safety.

Examples of the award winner could be a ready mixed concrete truck driver whose actions were lifesaving. Other examples could include plant managers, safety managers and company officials who have outstanding longtime dedication to safety and health in the ready mixed concrete industry. Other examples would be an individual’s involvement community safety activities. This award may also recognize a corporation, coalition or organization that was unrelenting in its pursuit of safety for the industry.

Nominees may have created and implemented a life-saving and or injury-preventing safety solution. Examples of the award winner could be a ready mixed concrete producer company, a ready mixed concrete state association or an industry related equipment or material supplier. Criteria for selection of the individual or company may include evidence of the following:

• Reduction of accidents/incidents

• Demonstration of leadership in safety

• Identification, evaluation & control of hazards

• Development of safety-conscious policies and procedures

• Active promotion of safety in the workplace

• Innovation & enthusiasm in marketing safety

• Collaborative and proactive work toward improving safety

• Placing a high personal value on safety

• Mentoring of others in safety

Nominations shall be made by submitting a detailed explanation for why the individual or company should be considered for the award. The explanation should focus on highlighting the criteria listed above. Submissions should include necessary supporting documents, a high-resolution electronic image of the nominee (if an individual) or a high resolution company logo and any other relevant images.

Entries must e-mailed to by Friday, June 26. Click here for more information, including downloading the nomination form and staff contact.

NRMCA’s Commitment to Environmental Excellence Awards competition offers producers national recognition for outstanding contributions to protecting the environment and maintaining sound management practice in their operations. The program salutes companies that have not only met, but surpassed, governmental compliance measures and demonstrated a commitment to environmental excellence through plant and staff investment. NRMCA member companies producing ready mixed concrete from a fixed plant location in the U.S., its territories or Canada are eligible to enter. Awards will be determined upon individual plant merits. Winning entrants will be honored at the Awards Luncheon at NRMCA‘s ConcreteWorks this September in Denver. Winners will also be featured in a 2020 edition of NRMCA’s Concrete InFocus magazine as well as Concrete Products magazine.

Entries and photos must be e-mailed to by Friday, July 24. Click here for more information, including downloading the entry form and staff contact.

The latest addition to NRMCA’s Safety Series is free and now ready for your viewing. It covers all the necessary basics related to safety at a ready mixed concrete plant. There is a lot of activity at a ready mixed concrete plant; it is like a small city. Whether you are a plant operator, yardman, mechanic, concrete delivery professional or just a visitor, you have to pay attention to what you're doing and follow basic safety procedures at all times. This video covers plant specific safety, including plant vehicle traffic, wearing proper personal protective equipment, general plant safety signage, prevention of slips, trips, and falls, general plant safety inspections, lockout and tagout of power sources, plant housekeeping and much more.

Click here to view or download the new NRMCA Plant Safety Video. For more information, contact Gary Mullings at or Kevin Walgenbach at

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McNeilus Truck & Manufacturing, Inc.
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Find out more about FLEX Controls
   Xypex Chemical Corp       MAPEI    

Beginning April 2, NRMCA, through its Pave Ahead program, will be offering a weekly webinar series on Concrete Pavement and Concrete Paving Promotion. The Concrete Pavement Series will focus on technical topics related to design, construction, maintenance and rehabilitation of concrete pavements and will conclude with a webinar on concrete trails. Webinars in this series will offer AIA Elective Learning Units, Professional Development Hours or Continuing Education Units through the AIA continuing education system. The intended audience for this series includes architects, engineers, contractors, developers, owners and product manufacturers.

The Concrete Paving Promotion series will demonstrate how to use two guides, one for concrete overlays and the other for concrete trails, for sales and promotion activities with an emphasis on increasing bottom line profits for concrete producers and related product manufacturers. An additional session will discuss how partnering with contractors and engineers to pursue paving projects can lead to improved success rates and closing the deal. The intended audience for the paving promotion series includes concrete suppliers, concrete and cement industry associations, concrete contractors and concrete-related product manufacturers.

Instructors for all webinars will include NRMCA local paving experts. The webinar schedule is as follows: (please note that all times below are Eastern).

Concrete Pavement Webinar Series

• Thursday, April 2, 2 - 3:30 p.m., Designing Concrete Parking Lots and Streets

• Thursday, April 9, 2 - 3 p.m., Designing Concrete Industrial Pavements

• Thursday, April 16, 2 - 3:30 p.m., Soils 101: What to Know for a Successful Paving Project

• Thursday, April 23, 2 - 3 p.m., Concrete Pavement Jointing and Details

• Thursday, April 30, 2 - 3 p.m., Materials and Construction Specifications for Concrete Pavement Projects

• Thursday, May 7, 2 - 3 p.m., Concrete Street and Parking Lot Maintenance and Repair

• Thursday, May 14, 2 - 3 p.m., Concrete Overlays of Existing Asphalt Surfaced Streets and Parking Lots

• Thursday, May 21, 2 - 3 p.m., Concrete Trail Design

Concrete Paving Promotion Webinar Series

• Tuesday, May 12, 2 - 3 p.m., Understanding the Guide to Concrete Overlays of Asphalt Parking Lots

• Tuesday, May 19, 2 - 3 p.m., Overview of Guide to Concrete Trails

• Tuesday, May 26, 2 - 3 p.m., Partnering With Contractors & Engineers For Pursuit Of Paving Projects

For more information, contact Brian Killingsworth at 210-508-4923 or

   Terex Advance       Ryder Fuel Services    

The Spring 2020 newsletter of the National Concrete Consortium has the following items:

Moving Advancements into Practice (MAP) - Brief on Extended-Life Concrete Bridge Decks Utilizing Internal Curing to Reduce Cracking – Results from Ohio DOT Field Trial

FHWA Concrete Clips - Maturity and Strength Gain, and Admixtures

Reducing Cracks in Concrete Bridge Decks Using Shrinkage Reducing Admixture - Restrained shrinkage cracking of concrete bridge decks creates a significant durability problem. Major admixture suppliers in the United States have introduced a new category of chemical admixtures called shrinkage reducing admixtures (SRAs). SRAs work by reducing the surface tension of pore water and thereby decreasing the capillary stress and shrinkage induced by drying. Several studies have reported that using SRAs in concrete mixtures is one of the most effective ways of reducing shrinkage cracking. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of SRAs in reducing drying shrinkage in Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) concrete mixtures and thus reducing cracks in bridge decks.

Bridge Decks: Mitigation of Cracking and Increased Durability - The application of pre-soaked lightweight aggregates (LWA) as an internal curing agent in concrete to reduce the cracking due to drying shrinkage is thoroughly studied in this report. It is determined that although LWA can significantly reduce autogenous shrinkage, its effect on drying shrinkage is minimal and, in some cases, can even increase the drying shrinkage. Moreover, the combined effects of LWA and expansive cement (Type K), as well as LWA and shrinkage-reducing admixtures (SRAs), on drying shrinkage is also studied. It is shown that the addition of Type K cement or SRA to mixtures containing LWA can significantly reduce drying shrinkage and make the mixture more volumetrically stable.

Performance-Related Specifications for Pavement Preservation Treatments - This report (1) presents guidelines for preparing performance-related specifications (PRS) for pavement preservation treatments and, if desired, determining pay adjustment factors and (2) illustrates the applicability of these guidelines for selected preservation treatments for flexible and rigid pavements. The guidelines follow a systematic process that considers acceptance quality characteristics and performance measures for preservation treatments. The information contained in the report will be of immediate interest to state materials and maintenance engineers and others involved with the specification and quality aspects of pavement preservation treatments.

High-Early-Strength High-Performance Concrete for Rapid Pavement Repair - In the construction industry, High-Early-Age-Strength (HES) concrete has traditionally been regarded as a concrete that achieves loading strength in mere days rather than weeks. However, in the last 10 to 15 years, this time has reduced down to just hours. Required minimum compressive strength is determined case by case. For structures and dwellings, the minimum allowed by the International Building Code is 2,500 psi. In road and bridge construction, the minimum is typically 3,000 psi. For airport construction, it is typically 4,000 psi. Due to the accelerated strength gain of HES provided by chemical admixtures, minimum opening strengths are often reduced since the concrete is expected to continue gaining strength after traffic load is introduced. This investigation targets high-early-age-strength concrete for the purposes of road and bridge deck repairs.

Click here to access the newsletter and individual links to the above reports.

   Concrete Pump Supply       Hendrickson Auxiliary Axle Systems    
Business Advancement

The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (H.R. 6201) was signed by President Donald Trump on March 18. A congressional summary of H.R. 6201 can be found here and here.

The legislation provides affected individuals with paid sick and family leave and create tax credits for affected employers, expands food and nutrition services, allows for emergency state unemployment insurance grants and increases Medicaid funding to states. The paid sick leave and expanded family and medical leave provisions of the FFCRA apply to certain public employers and private employers with fewer than 500 employees. Small businesses with fewer than 50 employees may qualify for exemption from the requirement to provide leave due to school closings or child care unavailability if the leave requirements would jeopardize the viability of the business as a going concern. For further detail, please see the links below.

For more information, please contact NRMCA Workforce Development Committee liaison Eileen Dickson at

May 6, Build With Strength Webinar
Life Cycle Assessment of Concrete Buildings
Email: Lionel Lemay, 847-918-7101

May 13, Build With Strength Webinar
The Balanced Design Approach to Fire Safety: How Concrete Building Systems Can Help Reduce Risk
Email: Lionel Lemay, 847-918-7101

May 13 – 15, Glendora, CA
Concrete Safety Course
Email: Jessica Walgenbach, 703-706-4852

May 20, Build With Strength Webinar
The Environmental Impacts of Building Materials: A Primer for Comparing Concrete Steel, Wood and Asphalt
Email: Lionel Lemay, 847-918-7101

May 20, Nashville, TN
Handling Concrete Specifications, Low Strength Problems and Mixture Submittals
Email: Jessica Walgenbach, 703-706-4852

September 25 – 29, Denver
NRMCA's ConcreteWorks
Email: Jessica Walgenbach, 703-706-4852

October 20 – 22, Mendota Heights, MN
Concrete Safety Course
Email: Jessica Walgenbach, 703-706-4852

November 17 – 19, Glendora, CA
Environmental Course for the Ready Mixed Concrete Industry
Email: Jessica Walgenbach, 703-706-4852

December 15 – 18, Phoenix
NRMCA Plant Manager Certification Course
Email: Jessica Walgenbach, 703-706-4852

*If you wish to be added to the wait list for sold out courses, please send your request to


*Please note that e-mail and direct links to each event listed below can be accessed from NRMCA's Web site.

April 1, Build With Strength Webinar
Concrete Innovations
Email: Lionel Lemay, 847-918-7101

April 8, Build With Strength Webinar
Specifying Sustainable Concrete
Email: Lionel Lemay, 847-918-7101

April 15, Build With Strength Webinar
Pathway to Resilience
Email: Lionel Lemay, 847-918-7101

April 15 – 17, Indianapolis *Postponed
Concrete Durability Course
Email: Jessica Walgenbach, 703-706-4852

April 17, Sweetwater, TN
Pervious Concrete Contractor Certification Program (Sponsored by TCA)

April 22, Build With Strength Webinar
Zero-Energy Schools: How Innovative Concrete Systems Are Making It Possible
Email: Lionel Lemay, 847-918-7101

April 28 – May 1, New Orleans *Postponed
NRMCA Plant Manager Certification Course
Email: Jessica Walgenbach, 703-706-4852

April 29, Build With Strength Webinar
The Business Case for Building Multifamily Buildings with Concrete
Email: Lionel Lemay, 847-918-7101

April 29, Charlotte, NC *Postponed
Improving Concrete Quality Course
Email: Jessica Walgenbach, 703-706-4852

   Climate Earth       Shumaker Industries