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Q. I’m just not sure how to advise my Board at this point. We have a local event over the summer here in New York City. I’m trying to remain optimistic that it will go live, but I’m watching the COVID numbers rise and the reports that plenty of people are choosing not to take the vaccine. As of now the city has not lifted its guidelines on events but 5 months from now it could be different. I just don’t want to wait until last minute to make this program virtual. Any ideas?

A.  Unfortunately we are all using best judgment based on the information given, and having to either wait until the last minute to cancel or convert to a virtual experience. What we have done for many of our planned in-person events is plan a parallel virtual event, until we have to open registration. That is our self-imposed drop dead date that we force a decision to continue as planned or to convert to a virtual experience. Of course, postponing is another way to hold onto the in-person plans and buy some additional time with the hopes the world/city will get to the point that we can hold the event. Of course, then we have to convince people to attend, that is the next issue. If we build it, will they come?


Phelps R. Hope is Senior Vice President of Kellen. He has more than 30 years of experience in meetings, events and tradeshow management and holds the Certified Meetings Professional (CMP) designation, an indication of both his experience level in the meetings industry and his dedication to excellence.



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