Membership Special: THERE'S STILL TIME: 2 for the price of 1. Pass it on!

Got a friend or colleague who can benefit from the events, programs and community that NYSAE provides? Tell them about this special offer to try us out for six months!

That's right, 2 for the price of 1. How often do you get a deal that good?!

How it works.

Two individuals must join together between December 1, 2019 and January 31, 2020 to take advantage of this offer. Their dues, already prorated for the second half of the member year (Dec./Jan. through June 30) will now be half that amount; a huge savings.  The two individuals can be from the same or different organizations, join as the same or different member types, and pay their dues separately or together. Former NYSAE members who have been inactive for at least four months may also take advantage of this offer.

For more information or to sign up, contact NYSAE at or 212-297-2197 today!  This offer is not available online.

2 for the price of 1. Pass it on!