Question: We have a learning management system that hosts all our recorded content, but we’re not satisfied with our online course sales. How can we improve our sales?

Answer: We’re all overwhelmed by the amount of online content available to us. In fact, your members may be frustrated with content overload so much so that they fail to see the value of your online education programs. 3 key factors that can help your association increase online course sales:

  1. Streamline your online courses with an integrated learning management platform. Having one platform to host on-demand content and live courses/events (webinars, webcasts, etc.) eliminates any confusion for members as they do not have to navigate through multiple sites and platforms. Members can self-register, purchase, and view any of the sessions offered regardless of the delivery method. By making it easy for members to find online courses and keep track of all their learning records in one platform, they are more likely to purchase online courses offered by your association.
  2. Content is (still) king, and the price must be right. Quality beats quantity. Think about the paradox of choice: overloading members with courses that may not prove useful can have a negative effect. By focusing on relevant content with high-quality presenters, associations signal to members that whenever a new program pops up, it’s worth checking out. Additionally, ensure your pricing is appealing to members. Consider standalone pricing for individual courses, bundling options that include newer content with older related courses, discounted rates to new members, early-bird pricing for new courses or even last-minute pricing for any remaining spots available for live events.
  3. Marketing your online courses requires a different strategy than marketing your in-person sessions. It’s not enough to simply re-brand all in-person sessions as “virtual” without any additional information. As some members may not be comfortable with taking online courses, let them know it’s easy to sign up, there’s technical support if they need it, and they can access the courses at their own convenience without having to travel or take time off work. Let members know how your online courses can help them improve their skill sets for their professional work. In other words, demystify the online experience.
    Answer submitted by Anna Micha Djaja, MBA, Strategic Development Consultant at Vocalmeet (Technology Solutions for Associations). To reach Anna: