How was your Thanksgiving? I’m still being asked that question, and my answer is always the same. It was different than any other year. Instead of our usual crowd--which we Zoomed earlier that afternoon-- it was just the 3 of us for Thanksgiving dinner: my husband, my daughter who is now home from college and me. We brought in a traditional Thanksgiving dinner from a nearby restaurant and my husband cooked his favorite side dish of butternut squash. What wasn’t different? We took turns reflecting on all we are and have been thankful for this year, and perhaps more than any year prior.

As many of you are aware, NYSAE is a part of the Kellen family. I am so grateful for that, and to have the opportunity to serve NYSAE’s membership and board after years of volunteering. Regarding Kellen, I am so thankful for the dedication and camaraderie of our teams and close colleagues that continue to grow and transform despite significant challenges. Behind the scenes we’ve been “meeting” often and helping each other more than ever, and I believe we will all emerge from this pandemic stronger as organizations, stronger as a country and stronger as individuals. As Kellen’s EVP, Travis Rush communicated to our employees before the Thanksgiving break that no year has tested us and our associations like 2020 has, and where there is adversity there is growth. This held true for NYSAE where we have engaged with our community more than ever! The pandemic managed to bring us all closer together. We are witnessing innovation like never before, we’re helping each other solve our similar challenges and we’re experiencing many firsts including new skillsets related to technology.

I’m also grateful that the fight against COVID-19 shows true promise with several nearly-approved vaccines along with the FDA’s authorization of a COVID-19 home self-test. These could not come at a better time as we all witness an uptick in the spread of the virus creating tough decisions around the holidays as we head into the winter months when association execs would typically travel to warmer climates for annual meetings and conventions. Stopping the spread of this virus not only requires sacrifices from each of us, but also  continuous extreme sacrifices from those of us in associations related to healthcare, essential workers, law enforcement and everyone on the front lines. We all owe a great deal of thanks to these courageous individuals and to your associations who have done so much. As a matter of fact, NYSAE’s Synergy Awards Committee just announced a new category called the Crisis Innovation Award. In 2021, NYSAE will honor a number of these amazing organizations who helped to reduce suffering, mobilized responses, provided solace or otherwise assisted the people of NYC in partnership with, or as a complement to, the government. The actions of these associations continue to go beyond their normal scope of work and we are so grateful for all of them.

NYSAE members are stronger together, and as we officially enter the holiday season, I hope you’ll spend some time reflecting on the positive aspects of this tumultuous year. I know we will see each other in person again in 2021 and I, for one, cannot wait.



Holly Koenig
SVP, Kellen