Q: We’re a small professional society, under 1,000 members. In the past year we lost between 20 and 25% of our members due to COVID-19 and employers not paying for membership dues. We’re a small staff of 4. Our fiscal year begins August 1 and pretty soon we have to start thinking about our dues renewal cycle and the communications we want to go along with it. I’d like to reflect on the past year’s accomplishments, and I’d like to keep the communications positive. It is not easy when we still don’t know if our annual meeting in October will be in-person or virtual once again. When the future is still unpredictable, any recommendations on positive communications and how to get our members to renew?

A:  Providing a 'year in review' message of accomplishments at renewal time is an excellent move; you definitely want to communicate your successes!  Here are our suggestions to help boost membership:

The 'new reality' will look different than our past.  You want to demonstrate optimism and excitement for what is ahead, and show that, together with your members, you will look forward, lean forward, plan forward and move forward. Best wishes!

This is a collective response from the members of NYSAE's Membership Engagement Committee