In these unprecedented times, it is easy to feel isolated and disconnected. Virtual events have become the norm. We miss the face-to-face interaction we were used to and perhaps took for granted. My years of NYSAE membership have been both good for my career and have served as a medicinal elixir for my spirit.

My career has been enhanced by shear association. The fact that I can claim to be connected to such an array of intelligent, informed and influential people who make up the NYSAE membership speaks volumes. Let’s just say I have “bragging rights” in the career circles I travel in. Imagine walking into an important business meeting and stating that I am on the executive board of the New York Society of Association Executives, which oversees literally billions in economic impact worldwide. Hard to ignore. Not only being associated with such an organization but having access to such cutting-edge education enhances my career outlook. Programs such as ExecConnect and NYSAE Engagement Lounge: touch on subjects like using futures-thinking to shape current decisions and how to show up like a leader.  My career continues to grow because of this affiliation.

I am a people person. Love interacting and gaining knowledge and insights from my friends and colleagues. NYSAE has remained a valuable resource throughout the pandemic by keeping me focused and engaged via live and virtual events. Brushing elbows with some of the top leaders in the city and surrounding area gives one cause to be at your best at all times. A typical board meeting is like an all-star session of some of the top minds in the industry. Being a part of the live events like Meet NY and Synergy Awards Gala thrusts you in the direction of unparalleled networking opportunities. Combine this and all the other membership activities, I can’t help but feel that my spirit is gaining wisdom and renewal. Truly the medicinal elixir I need.

When seeking anything that makes us feel normal and appreciated, NYSAE serves as a catalyst for both. Career opportunities, enhanced education, top of the line networking and connectivity all come into play. I am a better person through my affiliation with NYSAE. Try it for yourself.


David M. Jackson, CMP, HMCC
Managing Partner
KKD Tourism Advisors, LLP