ADA Webinar: The Ins, Outs and In-Between: How Dental Medicaid Works and How It Can Work for You

Thursday, January 20 | Noon CT | 1 CE credit (pending approval)
Presented by the ADA Council on Advocacy for Access & Prevention

Dental Medicaid benefits can be a confusing process, but that doesn’t mean your bottom line can’t benefit from participation. Being a Medicaid provider – even for a few patients per week – can enhance your community stature, increase legislative effectiveness, and help the dental profession.  Learn more about how it works (and can work for you) from dentists who take Medicaid in their practices, with concrete tips based on their own personal experiences including appropriate documentation, patient management and a journey into cultural competence that will elevate your entire practice. Participants will be able to learn how being a Medicaid provider offers tangible practice benefits, including staff satisfaction; understand how dentists can control their participation levels within a Medicaid program and develop systems to participate in Medicaid from a business/marketing standpoint. Register Here