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Fast Company
Reports of people feeling burned out seem to be everywhere these days. One unexpected ingredient to this proliferation of burnout is how the malady may actually be contagious.

Your surroundings may lead to your own workplace exhaustion when a culture is low on a sense of control and social connection.

Visit https://www.fastcompany.com/90628736/turn-to-these-steps-to-protect-yourself-from-catching-burnout to view the full article online.

Between workers' continued safety concerns, child care hurdles, and eligibility for additional unemployment benefits, employers nationwide are struggling to fill positions. As a result, many companies are trying a range of new tactics to find -- and keep -- job candidates willing to work in-person.

Check out some of the innovative recruiting programs and incentives U.S. companies have put in place during the pandemic.

Visit https://www.inc.com/mary-yang/hiring-recruiting-incentives-attract-employees.html to view the full article online.

Tesselaar, Inc

Visual content is one of the most effective ways to reach and resonate with your target audience. As humans, we’re hardwired to absorb and recall visual information much more rapidly than text-based content.

But the key to visual marketing success is to understand how to use visual marketing effectively.

Visit https://www.business2community.com/marketing/12-tips-for-creating-effective-visual-marketing-02401696 to view the full article online.


When communication suffers, so does innovative problem-solving. And because the forced move to remote working has sharply impacted the capacity for gatherings around the watercooler (or coffee machine or foosball table), the potential to engage in problem-solving has declined as well.

Recurrent problems that reduce productivity spiked in the remote working world. Here are four ways to ensure creative juices keep flowing, whatever the working environment.

Visit https://www.strategy-business.com/article/Create-a-virtual-watercooler-to-spark-innovative-problem-solving to view the full article online.

Parry America Inc
SBI Software

Chatsworth Consulting Group
There’s no going back to “normal” after the last 12 months. What does normal even mean at this point? Our lives, realities, and perspectives have been changed in profound (and for many, painful) ways – but it appears there is light at the end of the tunnel.

As things begin to shift, it’s time to ask ourselves important questions in anticipation of a “new normal.”

Visit https://chatsworthconsulting.com/2021/04/15/after-the-pandemic-what-choices-will-you-have-made/ to view the full article online.

AMS Retail Solutions - Garden Center POS
AMS Retail Solutions
AMS Retail Solutions is considered the industry's leading provider of Garden Center POS Systems throughout the United States and Canada. Find out why more IGC's consider our POS Solutions a proven winner!!
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AmericanHort Calendar
Pricing to Win Series
Greenhouse Current Issues & Best Practices Series
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Available through May 1

Visit https://www.americanhort.org/education-on-demand/ to view the full article online.

Suzi McCoy & Katie Dubow; Garden Media Group
Thursday, May 27, 2 PM, ET

Visit https://www.americanhort.org/events/women-in-horticulture-suzi-mccoy-katie-dubow to view the full article online.

tHRIve Webinar | Wednesday, June 2, 1 PM, ET

Visit https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_cFwkSMvxQJyq2Vo8VBuPrw to view the full article online.

July 9-10, 2021
Columbus, OH

Visit https://www.thehempconference.org to view the full article online.

July 10-13, 2021
Columbus, OH

Visit https://www.cultivateevent.org to view the full article online.

tHRIve Webinar | Wednesday, August 25, 11 AM, ET

Visit https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ua4BX_QGSyu8OKvlq3Ck-g to view the full article online.