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GVCA’s Martha George Appointed to OCOT Council

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The Dean Report and Bill 70 are driving important changes to the Ontario College of Trades. The Cabinet has now moved to appoint fresh faces to the College by appointing three new construction industry representatives to the Appointments Council which will make appointments to the Board of Directors, Sector Councils and Trade Boards. Collectively, they will oversee the reforms of Bill 70 and the Dean Report.

The appointments are:

Martha George, President and CEO, Grand Valley Construction Association

Moreen Miller, President of Fowler Construction

Mike Gallagher, General Vice President, IUOE

They are all well known veterans of the Ontario Construction Industry, and we are particularly pleased with Martha George’s appointment. She has an extensive background in education and skills development, and actively worked to challenge the former direction of the College. It’s an outstanding appointment. Congratulations, Martha!


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