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An Idea for Mental Health Day...

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Peer support has long been used by fire and police departments as the first line method of supporting their worker’s mental health. It has been used for many kinds of mental health problems from relationship difficulties up to suicide prevention.

The reason it’s so successful is that a worker feels more comfortable approaching a fellow worker or peer than talking to a supervisor or a stranger from an EAP about their problems.

This method is widespread with first responders and could be adapted to the construction industry.

The worker(s) selected must have a certain kind of personality and go through specific kinds of training to be able to fill the role of peer supporter safely and effectively.

This would be a visionary step for a company to take to support a worker’s mental health.

If you have questions, need training or literature, please contact Julian directly:

Julian Toy, H.S.C., Substance Abuse Professional
Member of The Ontario Association of Mental Health Professionals
Direct Line: 905-866-7301
E-Mail: juliantoy@myaddictionexperts.com
Web: www.myaddictionexperts.com
Services: Fit for Duty/Drug and Alcohol training, COVID-19 Mental Health Training, Fit for Duty/Drug and Alcohol policy development, Defensible Documentation Training and employee Substance Abuse Assessments.
Literature: “Optimizing Mental Health during COVID 19” E-Booklet.
Preferred provider of Fit for Duty/Drug and Alcohol training and COVID-19 Mental Health Training - Eastern Construction Ltd.


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