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For those members that were not aware, the OGCA is part of a larger alliance called the Construction and Design Alliance of Ontario (CDAO). The CDAO is a collaborative organization comprised of 19 member associations that have mandates related to Ontario’s infrastructure. The Alliance was formed in 2010 with the objective of providing municipal, provincial, and federal governments a forum to seek input and advice from stakeholders. The collective vision of the CDAO is to ensure Ontario is a province of livable, marketable, sustainable communities for all Ontarians and is known for its leading-edge infrastructure and built environment projects.

For a list of CDAO Member Associations, click here.

As a means of achieving their objective, the CDAO focuses their energies on the subject of procurement, and therefore directly on the buyers of construction services and products. Furthermore, in order to facilitate open and unencumbered dialogue between the CDAO and the buyers of construction, the alliance hosts a Procurement Day once a year to highlight the current state of the construction industry and discuss relevant topics.

This years Procurement Day is occurring virtually on Friday, October 28, 2022. The events’ schedule is as follows:

8:30 AM Virtual Doors Open
8:45 AM Opening Remarks
9:00 AM TO 10:00 AM The Supply Chain Challenges Impacting Critical Construction Materials
10:00 AM TO 10:15 AM Virtual Networking/Break
10:15 AM TO 11:15 AM Enhancing Project Delivery through Pre-project Investment
11:15 AM TO 11:30 AM Virtual Networking/Break
11:30 AM TO 12:30 PM Qualifications-Based Selection in the Procurement of Professional Design Services
12:30 PM TO 12:45 PM Virtual Networking/Break
12:45 PM TO 1:45 PM Standard Contracts
1:45 PM TO 2:00 PM Closing Remarks

The Supply Chain Challenges Impacting Critical Construction Materials
9 AM TO 10 AM

Over the past few years, the construction industry has been experiencing significant growth in many market segments, and this growth has helped to drive the economic recovery in Ontario from the challenges of COVID-19. This growth combined with the fallout activities from the pandemic, though, has placed significant strains on the construction materials supply chain.

Panelists will address the major issues currently impacting the steel, wood, concrete and aggregate industries, and discuss how impacts can be minimized on future projects.


Norm Cheesman, MBA – Ontario Stone Sand and Gravel Association
Hellen Christodoulou, Ph.D, ing., BCL., LLB, MBA – Canadian Institute of Steel Construction
Bart Kanters, P.Eng., MBA – Ready Mixed Concrete Association of Ontario
Steven Street – Wood WORKS! Ontario

Enhancing Project Delivery through Pre-project Investment
10:15 AM TO 11:15 AM

Significant schedule delays and cost escalations during project delivery are often a reality with construction projects. The Construction & Design Alliance of Ontario (CDAO) commissioned a research study, “Impacts of Pre-Project Investment & Quality of Documents on Project Delivery Efficiencies,” from the Ryerson Institute for Infrastructure Innovation to understand the root causes of the problem.

The study sought input from the entire industry, including owners, architects, engineers, contractors, and sub-contractors, and referenced projects from across the country. The results provide an objective framework for a change in the project delivery policies for public infrastructure.

The panelists will discuss the findings and key recommendations from this report, along with what this might mean to the future of the Canadian design and construction industry.


Sandra Burnell, BES, BArch, OAA – Revay and Associates Limited
Giovanni Cautillo – Ontario General Contractors Association
Kristi Doyle, Hons. BA (PPA), Hon. RAIC – Ontario Association of Architects
Bruce G. Matthews, P.Eng. – Association of Consulting Engineering Companies – Ontario

Qualifications-Based Selection in the Procurement of Professional Design Services
11:30 AM TO 12:30 PM

Obtaining best life-cycle value for an infrastructure asset requires analysis and key decision making during the planning and design phases. It is during these phases that the greatest impact on life-cycle value can be had for the lowest cost. Using low-price selection for those design services, however, significantly impedes the ability to realize the greatest life-cycle value. A qualifications-based selection process unlocks that value.

Panelists will discuss procurement process issues and concerns where low-price is a dominant factor, and describe qualifications-based approaches that result not only in better life-cycle value, but better project delivery. The benefits of the QBS approach will be detailed.


Angelo Cofini, P.Eng. – EllisDon Corporation
Bruce G. Matthews, P.Eng. – Association of Consulting Engineering Companies – Ontario
Sandro Perruzza – Ontario Society of Professional Engineers
John Stephenson, B.Arch, OAA, FRAIC – FormStudio Architects  

Standard Contracts
12:45 PM TO 1:45 PM

Join Annik Forristal for a discussion about how industry-recognized contracts are developed, which standard form contracts (CCDC, OAA, RAIC and ACEC) are most commonly used and when, and what to look out for when reviewing supplementary conditions. Annik will focus on specific items that have been designed to establish transparency, as well as appropriate allocation of risk.


Annik Forristal – McMillan LLP

Registration is FREE for this virtual event! In order to register, please access this link: Procurement Day 2022 - Registration (office.com)

Please join the OGCA and the rest of the CDAO in this online event, which will provide you with educational content, a means of networking with buyers of construction as well as access to every segment of the construction process, all at your fingertips.

Should anyone want to learn more about Procurement Day or if you require any assistance from the OGCA, please contact me directly at giovanni@ogca.ca or via phone at 905.671.3969.


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