Sherrard Kuzz Monthly Newsletter

We hope you enjoy our October 2017 edition of Management Counsel (click here). The Newsletter is published several times a year to highlight important issues in Canadian employment and labour law. This month we address two topics:

Tell me what you really think! An honest reference, even if negative, is not defamatory.

A prudent employer will use a reference check as a key component to any job competition process. Unfortunately, an employer often receives unhelpful or misleading information as a result of the referee’s fear of being sued for providing a negative reference. However, as two recent decisions from Ontario’s Superior Court have shown, a former employer will not be liable for a negative reference if the content was true and made without malice. Learn more...

Workplace offences of the olfactory senses.

Ideally, workplace misconduct is dealt with swiftly and decisively through an established disciplinary process. However, when the source of the offence is not a worker’s conduct but personal hygiene, what recourse does an employer have? Learn more...


You are also invited to our next HReview Breakfast Seminar:

Important Changes Coming to the WSIB:
Learn how to manage WSIB costs in the new legal landscape

In 2017, the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board published draft Chronic Mental Stress and Rate Framework policies:

·The draft Chronic Mental Stress policy, set to come into effect on January 1, 2018, will make it easier for a worker to make a claim for non-traumatic mental stress.

·The draft Rate Framework policies, slated for implementation on January 1, 2019, completely overhaul how premiums will be calculated and claims costed back to an employer’s account.

Join us as we analyze the changes and discuss strategies to minimize employer-costs.

This free breakfast seminar will be held on Wednesday November 29, 2017at the Mississauga Convention Centre, 75 Derry Road West, Mississauga. Details, including how to register, can be found on the back page of our newsletter and on our website at