Ontario Government to Address P3 Risk Allocation

The result of this collaboration and consultation is extremely positive, with the Minister announcing three key areas that will be addressed.

They are: utility relocation, land assembly, and the modernization of the environmental assessment process. Improvements and changes to these three areas alone will help reduce the cost of bidding on 3P projects.

The Minister talked at length about the concern of keeping the 3P process competitive and reducing the risk impact on those that wish to participate.

Working with the Ministry of Transportation and Minister Caroline Mulroney, more announcements will be coming in the near future.

We have been extremely active in working with Infrastructure Ontario and Metrolinx on these very topics, along with our members who have been providing input and recommendations on how to improve these three areas and address risk.

The Minister announced more flexibility and power for the Infrastructure Ontario organization which will allow them to engage in more innovative and out-of-the-box ideas on how to deliver projects using systems like IPD, as well as considering quality based selection when selecting the design teams.

We and our partners continue to look forward to the strong collaboration and consultation process and working with the government and Infrastructure Ontario and Metrolinx to deliver the infrastructure projects that are so badly needed by our province.

We very much appreciate the announcement by the government in response to the input that was made during the market sounding.