Mental Health - School Starts in September

Workers with children are under unusual stress now? School starts back in Ontario September 8. To put it lightly, it’s confusing. 

Masks are mandatory for grades 4-12 and optional but recommended for JK through to grade 3. Parents can elect to keep their children home to learn online, but this is optional. Online learning may start later than in-person classes in some school boards.

Students in some districts need to be re-registered for bussing. Secondary students will be attending school 50% of the time and learning online the other half. Special needs students will be able to attend class full time and masks may be optional depending on individual need.

Are you stressed out yet?

To support workers, employers should allow those with children some flexible days off between now and the end of September so they can navigate this ball of confusion.

It would be best for worker’s mental health for employers to let workers know that days off are available for school related issues.

If you have questions, need training or literature, please contact Julian directly:
Direct Line: 905-866-7301
Services: Fit for Duty/Drug and Alcohol training, COVID 19 Mental Health Training, Fit for Duty/Drug and Alcohol policy development, Defensible Documentation Training and employee Substance Abuse Assessments.
Literature: “Optimizing Mental Health during COVID 19” E-Booklet.
Preferred provider of Fit for Duty/Drug and Alcohol training and COVID 19 Mental Health Training - Eastern Construction Ltd.