COVID-19 Second Wave Arrives

The current rate of spread puts the government under extreme pressure to restrict community transmission. This Friday, the government's Ministry of Health issued a requirement for workplaces to use the COVID-19 Screening Tool for Workplaces. The Tool (click here) provides a screening for employees and individuals seeking to enter the workplace with a minimum number of questions required by the Ministry. For construction, this applies to both construction sites and their offices.

OGCA is working closely with the industry and government to support the safe ongoing operation of construction during the second wave.

The jump in community spread, focused in the GTA and Ottawa areas, means it is inevitable that contractors will have employees report to work with the virus over the next few weeks.

All contractors should have established policies and procedures to protect your employees and your businesses alike. The League of Champions webinar series has presented these best practices and they are available to you through Youtube - search for the LOC Webinar Series. The August 18, 2020 broadcast presented COVID Best Practices: What Has Worked?

Full preparedness should include not only a screening tool for anyone entering a workplace, but a policy and procedure for when a worker or visitor tests positive. The August 18 LOC webinar also featured a presentation by Craig Sparks of Maple Reinders, on what to do when you have a positive test. Maple Reinders’ experience should be used to develop a policy before you have a positive test. Click here to access the series of webinars.

We are convinced that the spike in transmission may result in workers potentially bringing COVID to construction sites. The industry must pull together to keep our sites safe and our industry open. The OGCA has resources available to help our contractors and we will be rolling out more programs to support you and your employees in the next few days.

Should you have any questions, please contact David Frame electronically at or directly at 905.671.3969.