Construction During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Despite its inherent challenges, some inspiring stories were born out of 2020 and the pandemic. One of those is construction’s resolve in the face of adversity.

In January, we heard reports about a new virus and growing concerns from colleagues, friends and family in other parts of the world. By March 11 we were operating in a declared pandemic, and on April 4, all ICI construction in Ontario was halted to protect health and safety.

The OGCA spoke to local construction contractor, Multiplex Construction Canada (Multiplex) – Construction Manager on the 32-storey commercial Bay Adelaide Centre North Tower project in Toronto’s financial district, among other projects in Ontario – about how it responded to the challenges of COVID-19.
Multiplex established a COVID-19 Management and Response Plan and site-specific contingency plans early on, preparation that would later prove invaluable.

Construction activities were sequenced to support physical distancing, essential staff put on rotational rosters – with desk-based staff to work from home – face coverings instituted, and daily wellness checks introduced.

Industrial-level sanitization quickly became ‘the norm’, stairwells were converted to one-way foot traffic, and maximum capacities were set for vertical transport and meeting rooms. Additional site office space was added where possible, and Multiplex significantly increased washroom and handwashing facilities across its operations.

Desks and reception areas received Plexiglass dividers for extra protection, and hand sanitizer was made widely available. If you visit a Multiplex site or office, you will not be able to miss the COVID-19 informational signage.

Multiplex believes comprehensive preventative measures and strict protocol is key to keeping personnel safe, comfortable and confident on the job. Their COVID-19 plans are updated regularly to meet or exceed the latest health guidance.

As the industry continues to navigate the new normal of working in an indefinite pandemic situation, re-educating personnel about preventative measures and current guidance is imperative.

COVID-19 also reminded us all about the importance of communication.

Multiplex said regular and open communication between them and their trades, clients and staff is instrumental to keeping all parties informed, motivated and focused on the shared goal. At the peak of the first COVID-19 wave, they held virtual Town Halls and Q&As for all trades and staff, and continue to issue regular tool box talks and project communications.

For Multiplex, sharing best-practices and working shoulder-to-shoulder with trades was key to progressing the projects safely during the height of the pandemic.

Multiplex said that when ICI closures were ordered for April 4, their trade partners made the safe and smooth closure of commercial sites possible. Equally, trade collaboration throughout the closure positioned the projects to reopen with regained momentum.

On one hand, the construction industry – like many other sectors – faced unpreceded challenges in 2020. On the other, it was presented with an opportunity to evaluate and bolster its approach to health and safety. As an industry, it is our prerogative to take the learnings from COVID-19 and continue to elevate our safety focus, this year and every year.