Construction Continues to Battle COVID-19

Ontario’s construction industry is doing well in the difficult challenge of stopping the spread of the COVID-19 virus on our worksites. As of December 7, the WSIB reports that more than 7,000 claims have been settled for COVID-19 and only 44 are in construction. The industry is responsible for approximately 1/2 of one percent of recognised workplace spread.

OGCA has worked with the provincial government included Minister Monte McNaughton to keep our workers safe and have the industry declared an essential throughout the province. This has only been possible with the industries commitment to run safe clean sites with protocols focused on protecting our employees.

The government will be under immense pressure to close down most workplace as the daily count continues to increase and ICU beds are full. OGCA will continue to support constructions’ vigilance in protecting our workers and allow them to keep working.

For more information on COVD-19 and construction, visit