Bell Let's Talk Day - January 28, 2021

When Bell Canada launched their “Let’s Talk” initiative about Canada’s mental health in September 2010, I don’t believe that they could have foreseen the imperative need for this avenue and its impact in our current community as COVID-19 has elevated the need for constant discussions on mental health as well as how we cope with the alienation, depression and overall stresses brought on by this pandemic.

Mental health is linked to construction since it ties directly into our “Fit for Duty” policies and procedures for all contractors. Mental health is another aspect that we need to ensure is understood and openly discussed so that underlying issues do not become overt issues for our contractors. Where this subject was once taboo, it is now openly discussed in companies, regardless of the industry, and supported from the top management through the entire company to ensure that all the workers have access to assistance.

In the spirit of “Bell Let’s Talk Day,” the League of Champions is proud to present “Supporting Employees’ Mental Health During the Pandemic” on February 16 at 2 pm. This session will feature Hon. Michael Tibollo, Minister of Mental Health and Addictions, to lead off our discussion. Additionally, Liz Horvath, Manager, Workplace Mental Health, Mental Health Commission of Canada, will be speaking about the impact of stress on mental and physical health and safety and coping strategies to help workers focus and improve their well-being. COVID-19 has put undue pressure on mental health in the workplace. Our goal is to further discuss this issue and provide practical advice, tips, and techniques to support your employees.

Please see the notice and registration in this newsletter.

The OGCA supports the LOC, Bell’s Let’s Talk initiative and all programs that assist our contractors in ensuring that their workers have a platform to adequately deal with underlying or overt mental health issues. If any of our members need assistance with this issue, please contact me directly at or at 905.671.3969.

For more information on the Bell Let’s Talk initiative, please go to: