What are you thankful for?

Have you given it much thought lately? Can you think of something good that has come out of the last year and a half? Without having to say another word, we all know that the past 18 months have taken a toll on each and every one of us in some form. I, however, prefer to be a glass half-full sort of person and have much for which to be thankful. Aside from the obvious – my family, friends, health and trusty canine – I found myself nearly a year ago walking through the doors of the OGCA and League of Champions for the very first time. My biggest regret? Not doing this a decade ago! I am regularly asked what brought me here on the heels of a successful career in the environmental sector, and my answer is always the same: I always knew that construction was an expansive industry, but throughout COVID-19, I've seen a very tight community, and this is where I fit!

The last year has been a very busy one, and I am very proud to see the strides made by the LOC. Our membership has grown as have the relationships with all of our Champions. Now that we are carefully maneuvering through the province's re-opening plan, staff are very happy to make arrangements to come out and visit you.

I was very recently invited to Eastern Construction Company’s (Think Forward. Rise Above. | Eastern Construction) Annual Fall Protection Equipment Inspection. I quickly learned that fall protection is so much more than simply wearing your harness. The work that goes into training, gap assessment, corrective actioning, competent and regular inspection, as well as trends analysis were just a few of the takeaways from this very helpful visit. Thank you, Tracey, for having me on-site!

If you’d like to have a LOC staff member join you for a physically distanced visit to your site or office, please contact me directly at judith@theloc.ca or call 647.998.4151 to discuss opportunities.