Ontario Workforce Recovery Advisory Committee

We are seeking your input and perspectives on behalf of Ontario's Workforce Recovery Advisory Committee. Monte McNaughton, Minister of Labour Training and Skills Development, has established the Ontario Workforce Recovery Advisory Committee (OWRAC) to provide recommendations to shape the future of work in our province.  

The Committee’s mandate is to provide recommendations to position Ontario as the best place in North America to recruit, retain and reward workers. The Committee is made up of experts from a range of economic and social sectors. Please visit our website for Committee member biographies.  

In order to form its recommendations, the Committee’s research is focused on three pillars:  

  1. Economic recovery: How to make Ontario the top jurisdiction with a world-class workforce and talent supply?
  2. Strengthening Ontario’s competitive position: In an increasingly remote, global and technologically advanced economy, how will we ensure that Ontario remains the best place in North America to recruit, retain, and reward workers? 
  3. Supporting workers: How to ensure Ontario’s technology platform workers benefit from flexibility, control and security?  

We are reaching out to you to seek your perspectives and input on the three pillars. Please share your comments, ideas and suggestions with the committee by email at OWRAC@ontario.ca.

Your input will help us address the critical issues that have been raised above. Please provide your responses by July 31, 2021.