Norm Keith has moved!

Norm Keith, LL.M., CRSP has moved to KPMG Law LLP, as senior partner in the Employment & Labour group. Norm is the leading OHS lawyer in Canada and has successfully represented clients in over 1,000 OHS, TSSA, EPA, and related charges.

Norm is a longstanding member of the OGCA Safety committee. He and his team will continue to offer complementary consultations on workplace safety and workers’ compensation questions, incidents, MLTSD orders, work refusals, accidents and worker’s compensation claims to all OGCA members.

Norm’s new contact information is as follows: Norm Keith, Partner, KPMG Law LLP, 333 Bay Street, Suite 4600, Toronto, Ontario, M5H 2S5, Email:; Office: (416) 476-2002; Cell: (416) 540-3435.