Ready for on-site Visits

The staff at the League of Champions wish to extend our sincere appreciation to all of our Champions who have extended invitations for in-office and on-site visits. So many of you have rolled out the red carpet for us, and we thank you!

Every project we visit is a new experience for us, but the common message at every one is the strong commitment to safety. Melloul Blamey Construction had us join them last week for a full tour of the Gaslight Towers project in Cambridge for a delayed Safety Week visit. The message from their safety team at every corner is very clearly for "every single person get home safely every day." Thank you for introducing us to so many staff and allowing us the opportunity to experience the incredible safety culture on your site.

If you have not had the chance to meet the LOC staff, what better way is there for you to get to know the team than by arranging a visit from us. Please contact Judith directly at to discuss opportunities.