OGCA Members Achieve All Time Best in Safety Performance

Construction workplace safety was challenged like never before in 2020 by COVID-19.

It was a health and safety challenge never experienced before, but still, OGCA members had the safest year ever. Our lost time injury frequency dropped by 20% from .20 in 2019 to .16 in 2020. This was achieved when the WSIB's average rate increased to 1.07 largely as a result of COVID-19 claims.

The construction industry as a whole had an outstanding year, reducing the LTI rate from 1.12 in 2019 to .96. Construction is now one of the safer industries in Ontario compared to the Schedule 1 industry average of 1.07.

OGCA, with the League of Champions, is leading a long-term trend to a much safer Ontario construction industry. The culture of safety and the investment in it has supported a long-term trend that has established Ontario construction as a world leader.

OGCA will celebrate this achievement and recognize members who have been successfulm, with our safety awards presentation in October. Members who will be recognized will be notified in the next few days. Congratulations to your success!