Ground-Breaking ICI Fit for Duty Course

The George Brown College Department of Continuing Education will be offering a brand-new course for supervisors in the ICI construction industry. Its title is Jobsite Substance Abuse/Impairment Recognition and Intervention. This is a comprehensive training course that I’ve specially created for delivery through George Brown’s Continuing Education Department. Slated to start in January, this five-hour course is suitable for anyone whose duties take them onto a jobsite in a supervisory capacity. This includes engineers, senior management, consultants, etc.

Targeting the ICI construction industry, its curriculum will set a standard of excellence for supervisor Fit for Duty/Substance Abuse training.

The course will teach students recognition of subtle psychological/ physical signs of Substance Abuse and impairment, effects and detectability of legal marijuana products, and common supervisor traps. Legal and illegal drug paraphernalia is well covered.

The essential skill of defensible documentation is taught along with intervention techniques to use with workers.

Human Rights issues specific to Substance Abuse and supervisor scope of practice are explained as well as expected worker behavior post treatment.

Students will learn through a combination of presented material, class discussions and practical exercises.

As a GBC alumnus, I’m especially excited and honored to be providing this industry leading training partnered with George Brown College.

I hope to see some of you in January!

If you have questions, need training or literature, please contact Julian directly:

Julian Toy H.S.C. Substance Abuse Professional
Member of The Ontario Association of Mental Health Professionals
Direct Line: 905-866-7301
Services: Fit for Duty/Drug and Alcohol policy development, Fit for Duty/Drug and Alcohol training, Employee Substance Abuse Assessments.
Preferred provider of Fit for Duty/Drug and Alcohol training Eastern Construction Ltd.