Call to Action - Pause for Prevention

As the temperatures drop, it's essential for us to be aware of the potential effects on fall protection equipment. Cold weather can impact the flexibility and performance of materials used in PPE, including self-retracting lifelines. Below are a few key points to consider.

Key Points to Consider:
1.  Equipment Inspection: Conduct thorough inspections of all fall protection equipment before use and as per the manufacturer's instructions. Look for any signs of wear, damage, or deterioration that may have occurred over time. Pay close attention to the condition of the lifelines and their components.
2. Temperature Ratings: Check the manufacturer's guidelines for temperature ratings of the fall protection equipment. Some materials may become less effective in colder temperatures, and it's crucial to know the limitations of the equipment.
3. Training and Awareness: Remind workers about the importance of proper usage and maintenance of fall protection equipment, especially in colder weather conditions. Ensure that they are aware of the MLITSD alert and are following recommended safety practices.
Please pause all work for a safety moment and re-establish a commitment to the prevention of injuries, illnesses, and fatalities.
For more information on Fall Prevention please visit the IHSA website and watch their new videos on YouTube.