ONS CareerWire

Oncology Nursing Society

Career Opportunities
Bay Area, California

Visit http://careers.ons.org/jobs/10551991/ to view the full article online.

Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC)
SSM Health Deans Medical Group
Madison, Wisconsin

Visit http://careers.ons.org/jobs/10617012/hematology-oncology-center-clinical-manager-rn to view the full article online.

Cardinal Health
Lewisville, Ohio

Visit http://careers.ons.org/jobs/10621374/nurse-individualized-care to view the full article online.

Northside Hospital
Atlanta, Georgia

Visit http://careers.ons.org/jobs/10613793/manager-of-nursing-research to view the full article online.

Nanticoke Health Services
Seaford, Delaware

Visit http://careers.ons.org/jobs/10613889/rn-cancer-center to view the full article online.

Norwalk Hospital
Norwalk, Connecticut

Visit http://careers.ons.org/jobs/10614010/assistant-patient-care-manager-oncology to view the full article online.

University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Visit http://careers.ons.org/jobs/10613570/director-of-clinical-research-operations to view the full article online.

Lebanon, New Hampshire

Visit http://careers.ons.org/jobs/10605794/clinical-nurse-hematology-oncology to view the full article online.

Advocate Illinois Masonic
Chicago, Illinois

Visit http://careers.ons.org/jobs/10589267/oncology-rn-care-coordinator to view the full article online.

Industry News
ONS Voice
Nominating a colleague for an award helps to show how nurses make a difference, according to Brenda Nevidjon MSN, RN, FAAN.

Visit https://voice.ons.org/news-and-views/nominating-colleagues-for-nursing-awards-is-a-professional-responsibility to view the full article online.

ONS Voice
The focus on value-based care represents a leadership opportunity for oncology APNs, according to Michele Galioto RN, MSN, ONS Director of Education.

Visit https://voice.ons.org/news-and-views/apns-have-a-role-in-leading-value-based-care to view the full article online.

U.S. News & World Report
In telling your story to potential employers, be succinct and focus on specific accomplishments.

Visit https://money.usnews.com/money/blogs/outside-voices-careers/articles/2017-12-06/3-things-employers-want-to-know-about-you to view the full article online.

Effective networking and gathering as much information as you can about a potential employer are two keys to the modern job search.

Visit http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/new-year-new-gig-can-master-modern-job-search/ to view the full article online.

May 17 - 20, 2018
Washington, DC

Visit https://congress.ons.org/ to view the full article online.

Your ONS
ICYMI: First session of the 115th U.S. Congress will see three #Oncology-related acts @ONSAlec rlm.ag/1Fs9r1
A test that detects cancer-specific DNA in the blood was used to accurately identify some early-stage cancers rlm.ag/23YIwD  
Are you prepared to answer questions from your patients with #cancer about medicinal cannabis? If not, start here: rlm.ag/1GWUdv 
Naylor Association Solutions
Oncology Nursing Society
125 Enterprise Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15275
866-257-4ONS (866-257-4667) | ons.org | careers.ons.org