Eye on Education

News from the Externship Directors Special Interest Group

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News from the Externship Directors Special Interest Group

Met: October 7th, 2021; Virtual
Co-Chair(s): Keshia Elder (UAB), John Nishimoto (SCCOMBKU)
Secretary: Jaymeni Patel (ICO)


  • Introductions
  • Voted for next year’s committee members and leadership
  • Announced time and date of Annual Externship Directors SIG meeting at Pacific September 21st-23rd, 2022
  • IPE Workshop

Topics Discussed/Speakers:

  • IPE Workshop with Breakout Groups
    • Baseline Introductions & Survey Results (Keshia Elder, UAB)
    • IPE Inventory/Potential Activities at Externships (John Nishimoto SCCOMBKU)
    • ASCO IPE Toolkit (Elli Kollbaum, IUSO)
    • Results from IPE Workshop Breakout Group
  • Elect Next Co-chairs and Secretary
    • Co-chairs: Elli Kollbaum, ISUO; Jaymeni Patel, ICO
    • Secretary: Angel Simmons, UMSL

Further discussions:

  • IPE Action Items
    • Create IPE/CP guidelines for preceptors
    • Create IPE/CP checklist
    • Mock Case Presentation
  • Externship Survey Recommendations due to LaShawn Sidbury by October 15th, 2021
  • Post discussion items on ASCOConnect
  • Concerns with onboarding fees for students (HIPPA training, background checks, etc.)
  • Extern Professionalism Issues

Sponsors: Alcon, VSP Global, Johnson & Johnson

  • Sponsor presentation: Alcon (Mr. Tom Duchardt), VSP Global (Mr. Ron Kemper), Johnson & Johnson (Carol Alexander)

Contact LaShawn Sidbury Duckett, Director of Meetings and SIGs, for additional questions – lsidbury@opted.org



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