Eye on Education

News From Binocular Vision & Perception Educators Special Interest Group

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News From Binocular Vision & Perception Educators Special Interest Group

Met: November 8, 2021 at 1 p.m. ET

Chair: Valarie Kattouf (ICO) - present
Chair-elect: Sarah El-Khazendar (CCO) - unable to attend

Topics Discussed:

  • Welcome and Introductions
  • Discussion of Creative Ideas in Clinical Evaluations
  • Open Forum
  • New Chair for 2022 and 2023: Sarah El-Khazendar (CCO)
  • Election of Vice Chair: Jennifer Fisher (Berkeley)

Future Discussion Topics:

  • Continuing Entry Level Competencies
  • Next Year’s Meeting

Sponsors: None

Contact LaShawn Sidbury Duckett, Director of Meetings and SIGs, for additional questions – lsidbury@opted.org


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