Eye on Education

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Students Learn About the Connection Between Nutrition and Eye Health

MacuHealth, a leader in eye supplements, continued to show its support of optometry students and schools with an educational lecture event held at Pacific University College of Optometry (PUCO) in Forest Grove, Oregon, on December 2, 2021.

After a delicious dinner of pork and chicken Chili Verde burrito bowls, Dr. Jim M. Stringham, formerly of Duke Eye Center and the Chief Scientific Officer of MacuHealth, along with Kirsten Ormsby, the company’s Northwest Regional Director, talked to over 130 students regarding the connection between nutrition and eye health. Dr. Stringham also spoke about how the right combination of nutrients can help manage the symptoms of age-related macular degeneration.

“The typical Western diet of this era is nutrient-deficient, but we were shocked to learn that spinach, for example, has 43 times less nutrients than the spinach produced in the 1950’s,” says Sarah Krauss, the president of the Ocular Wellness and Nutrition Society at PUCO. “It was eye opening on how important supplement use can be, not only for patients with macular degeneration, but for healthy patients who want to enhance their visual performance.”

After his remarks, Dr. Stringham took questions from the attentive audience, and students stayed afterward to speak to him specifically about MacuHealth and its patented Triple Carotenoid Formula. Krauss and Francesco Sechi, the events coordinator of the Ocular Wellness and Nutrition Society at PUCO, put together this educational event in collaboration with the school’s Sports Vision Club.

“Dr. Stringham provided an immense amount of research material to demonstrate the science behind MacuHealth vision supplements and the many functional improvements they bring about in real patients,” says Sechi.

Dr. Stringham and Ormsby were given a tour of PUCO’s campus by Dr. Tad Buckingham and his wife Miki, the school’s Continuing Education and Events Coordinator, before the presentation. Dean Fraser Horn also showed off the school's Vision Science and Practicum Labs as well as the fourth-year Clinic Lanes to the visiting duo.

MacuHealth is committed to helping optometry students further their education. If your optometry school or student organization would like to learn more about how diet and vision are related, Dr. Stringham is available for lectures, presentations and other events. Please email Emily Blum at eblum@macuhealth.com for details.


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