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The Big Easy is Backdrop for ASCO’s Fall Board Meeting

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The Big Easy is Backdrop for ASCO’s Fall Board Meeting

ASCO’s Board of Directors, invited guests and staff gathered in New Orleans for its Fall Board of Directors Meeting.

Some of the topics discussed and actions taken during the day-long meeting are:

  • Representatives from Jobson shared the results of their recent survey designed to collect information about the profession’s opinions and impressions about the adoption of subspecialities in optometry.
  • The Executive Committee provided an update on its review of ASCO’s Bylaws.
  • The Board discussed the comments on recent public forums addressing the new VA National Standards of Practice.
  • NBEO representatives provided an update on the PEPS examination implementation.
  • ACOE representatives discussed pending changes to Professional OD Program standards.
  • An update on Optometry Gives Me Life initiatives, including the new OD Open Doors sessions, was shared with the Board.
  • Deans and Presidents examined how optometry schools/colleges are coping with the Supreme Court decision on race conscious admissions policies.
  • NAEVR/AEVR’s Executive Director discussed its current efforts to support eye and vision research.
  • The Fundraising Advisory Committee provided updates regarding fundraising initiatives to date.
  • The FY23 Audit Report was received and accepted.
  • Reports of financial year-end projections and investments results were discussed.
  • The Board approved a recommendation from the Clinic Directors and Administrators Special Interest Group for the SIG’s financial support of the Externship Directors SIG meeting in Fall 2024 (FY25).

Two presentations from ASCO new Corporate Contributors, Visual Clinics and Horizon Therapeutics, were also given.

The Board of Directors will next meet in March at the Herbert Wertheim School of Optometry and Vision Science at the University of California-Berkeley. 


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