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Invitation to Nominate Applicants:

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Invitation to Nominate Applicants:
2024 AEVR Emerging Vision Scientist Program
September 16 and 17, 2024 in Washington, DC

The Alliance for Eye and Vision Research’s (AEVR) Research Saving Sight, Restoring Vision Initiative is hosting its tenth annual Emerging Vision Scientist Program in Washington DC. The program will be held on Capitol Hill with funding support provided by Research to Prevent Blindness (RPB). To be considered, submit an application by May 31, 2024.

This is an incredible opportunity to empower emerging researchers to get involved and advocate for vision research. The Emerging Vision Scientist Program trains participants how to effectively communicate their research with a non-scientific, policy-oriented audience. The program also provides the skills and talking points necessary to advocate for vision research funding with members of Congress and their staff. Lastly, it provides a great way for schools and departments to elevate awareness of the research being done within your institute, while also amplifying advocacy efforts surrounding the work of vision researchers.

The program provides a critical perspective for participants on the legislative process and features virtual and in-person training that prepares participants to communicate their research to policymakers and explain why vision research is invaluable. The Emerging Vision Scientist Program also offers participants an opportunity to network with peers and vision stakeholders.

Participant activities:

  • Attending an AEVR Congressional Briefing to see how vision research is presented to a congressional audience. NEI accomplishments are expected to be shared by NEI leadership including Director Michael Chaing, MD and Kapil Bharti, PhD.
  • Receive training on how to effectively communicate the meaning and value of their research with members of Congress and their staff (also applicable for grant applications and career development and communications with donors, administrators, and other stakeholders).
  • Present an audience-friendly poster of their research at an AEVR-hosted Congressional Reception with members of Congress, their staff, NEI leadership, and stakeholders from the vision research community.
  • Participate in NAEVR training to learn how to effectively advocate for vision research funding.
    Meet with their Congressional delegation to educate them about the research they’re conducting in the district/state/institute and the importance of vision research funding.

Apply here. For additional information about the program, contact Dan Ignaszewski at Dan@eyeresearch.org or 202-742-1885.

What is the deadline for applications?
All applications and an accompanying resume must be submitted by Friday, May 31, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. ET for consideration.

Who qualifies to participate in the program?
Post-degree (PhD, MD, OD) researchers and junior faculty who have not yet been awarded their first NIH R01 grant. Candidates are eligible if they have received training grants or fellowship support from the NIH or other funding mechanisms.

What are the cost obligations?
AEVR provides all training (virtually and in-person) and supports hotel rooms and meals associated with the program for participants. We ask that departments work with candidates to establish support for travel costs to and from Washington, DC. ​​​

What is the time commitment for participants?
We ask participants to arrive on Sunday, September 15, to prepare for program activities that will take place throughout the day on the 16 and 17. We ask that all attempts be made to secure travel arrangements to travel back home after 5 p.m. ET on the evening of Tuesday, September 17.


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