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Optos News 

optomap® Single Capture Ultra-widefield Retinal Imaging Helps Practices Gain Time

A prominent West Coast research university recently embarked on an initiative to reduce patient visit time. The organization identified photography as a major bottleneck in patient movement and clinic efficiency. To address this issue, they added optomap systems, placed them in a centralized location, trained technicians to perform optomap in addition to OCT, and better aligned staff and doctor schedules.
Prior to these changes, the average patient visit took 87 minutes. According to the published findings, four weeks after implementation of these changes, the average patient visit lasted 58.5 minutes – a 28-minute (33%) reduction.1 
In addition to the efficiency advantage, the authors reported increased patient satisfaction scores, less downtime for patients, fewer staff handoffs and minimized patient movement throughout the clinic.1 
Given the relative ease of implementation and the significant benefits, the authors predicted that similar changes could be applied to other clinics, with similar results expected.

1. Successful interventions to improve efficiency and reduce patient visit duration in a retina practice. Retina, 2021.