MacuHealth News

MacuHealth News

Students Learn About the Benefits of Fish Oil and Macular Carotenoids

Much like someone giving a lengthy speech after winning an award, Dr. Jim Stringham, MacuHealth's Chief Scientific Officer, went over his allotted time during his recent lecture at The University of Missouri–St. Louis (USML).

Dr. Stringham’s presentation focused on his work regarding the benefits of supplementing with both antioxidants known as macular carotenoids and omega-3 fatty acids, and their effects on visual and cognitive health and performance when taken together. It was part of the Ocular Wellness and Nutrition Society’s educational series titled, “Nutrition and the Eye XIV.” It took place on April 23 and 24 at the Millennium Student Center on the UMSL campus.

Dr. Stringham exceeded his time limit because of the number of questions from the audience that followed his remarks. His lecture touched on the importance of supplementing with all three macular carotenoids – Lutein, Zeaxanthin, and Meso-Zeaxanthin – and how they benefit eye health. He also spoke about the quality and potency of fish oil supplements, including form, purity, and other factors consumers should look for on the label.

“It's really cool to see people benefit from these nutrients,” said Dr. Stringham. “The takeaway here is there's significant evidence that patients aren’t getting enough of the 'right stuff' in their diet. We’ve seen dramatic improvements in people taking Lutein, Zeaxanthin and Meso-Zeaxanthin, and the Omega-3 fatty acids – DHA and EPA. The body benefits when you bring these nutrients up to reasonable levels in a patient. But there's also improvement in eye and brain function. And we don’t just see this in my laboratory, but in other labs as well.”

For those interested in learning more about Dr. Stringham's research on how supplementing with carotenoids and omega-3s benefit the eyes and brain, he and Dr. Christopher Wolfe discuss the topic in detail on his Eyecode Media podcast. And for those concerned about the length of the episode, this engaging conversation lasts about 45 minutes. Click here to learn more.