Arizona College of Optometry and Chicago College of Optometry Present Health Science Days for High School Students

Arizona College of Optometry and Chicago College of Optometry Present
Health Science Days for High School Students

On Tuesday, February 28, Midwestern University’s Glendale and Downers Grove Campuses held their annual Health Sciences Career Day for High School Students. More than 1,000 students total from both Arizona and Illinois participated in events designed to showcase the many career opportunities available in healthcare fields.

Both the Arizona College of Optometry (AZCOPT) and Chicago College of Optometry (CCO) participated in this event and offered interactive, informative workshops to introduce students to the field of optometry. These included four programs throughout the day for different classes, and focused on showing students that there is much more to an optometrist’s job than selecting ‘1 or 2.’

The high school students learned more about what it takes to become an optometrist, and then visited the skills lab to view several cases from different types of patients. At the end of the workshop, they got to participate in a hands-on demonstration of the slit lamp biomicroscope.

Thanks to the participation of both AZCOPT and CCO, hundreds of high school students got to experience the possibility of a specific career in optometry, and also had the chance to connect with caring faculty and students in the field.

To learn more about the Arizona College of Optometry and Chicago College of Optometry, please visit: