Midwestern University’s Arizona College of Optometry and Chicago College of Optometry Celebrate Classes of 2023

Midwestern University’s Arizona College of Optometry and Chicago College of Optometry
Celebrate Classes of 2023

On May 24th and June 1st respectively, the Chicago College of Optometry (CCO) and the Arizona College of Optometry (AZCOPT) held commencement ceremonies to celebrate the accomplishments of the classes of 2023. CCO honored 51 graduates earning a Doctor of Optometry degree, and the Arizona College of Optometry conferred the same degree to 56 graduates.

Each commencement ceremony featured remarks from the valedictorians, as well as a special recognition for students beginning their optometry careers in the military. Kathleen H. Goeppinger, PhD, President and Chief Executive Officer of Midwestern University, addressed each graduating class by highlighting and acknowledging the many achievements of the graduates, including rigorous didactic study and clinical experiences.

“As you go forward from Midwestern University, go with absolute pride. Your faculty believe in your abilities and have prepared you to be part of a wonderful profession that gives back and cares for others,” she said. Dr. Goeppinger also encouraged the graduates to remember the values they learned as Midwestern University students. “If you can only be one thing — be kind. Be kind to your patients, your family, your colleagues, and most importantly, be kind to yourself.” 

To learn more about the Arizona College of Optometry and the Chicago College of Optometry, please visit: https://www.midwestern.edu/academics/degrees-and-programs