Summer Issue of Optometric Education Available; ASCO Thanks Outgoing Editor Dr. Aurora Denial

Summer Issue of Optometric Education Available; ASCO Thanks Outgoing Editor Dr. Aurora Denial

ASCO is pleased to announce the Summer edition (Volume 48, Issue 3) of its online Journal Optometric Education is available.

Optometric Education is published three times a year and is the only Journal exclusively about optometric education and academia.

This issue offers three teaching case reports, announcements regarding ASCO’s Special Recognition Awards, an invitation to participate in a special theme edition on global optometric education, as well as an Educator’s Podium.

This is also Dr. Aurora Denial’s last issue as Journal editor, as she is stepping down after 14 years. As her editorial states, “Over the past 14 years, it has been a privilege to oversee the journal and contribute to the optometric education literature… The journal… tackled important issues such as interprofessional education, diversity, and cultural competency in the form of theme editions… I thank ASCO for its enormous support and giving me the opportunity to contribute to the profession over the past 14 years.”

On behalf of ASCO’s Board of Directors, Optometric Education’s Editorial Review Board and authors; volunteers and staff, ASCO thanks and congratulates Dr. Denial on her outstanding tenure as Journal editor.

Incoming editor, Dr. Keshia Elder, Dean of University of Missouri at St. Louis, College of Optometry begins her tenure with the Fall issue of Optometric Education.