A ‘Hail Mary’ Decides the PCO Quiz Bowl Champion

A ‘Hail Mary’ Decides the PCO Quiz Bowl Champion

Going into the 2024 Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO) at Salus University’s Quiz Bowl, Anna German ‘26OD knew she would be at a disadvantage. As a first-year student in the Doctor of Optometry Accelerated Scholars’ program, there were classes she hadn’t yet taken with information she hadn’t yet learned that would have greatly helped her in the annual trivia contest.

So, she had to rely on her instincts and essentially throw up a Hail Mary on the final question. And, thankfully, it worked. Much to her surprise and delight, she won the recent PCO/Salus contest and will now advance to the national quiz bowl competition at Optometry’s Meeting in 2025 and compete against students from across the country.

For the full story, click here.