
Join the Ontario Healthy Schools Coalition (OHSC) Web-Conference Meeting

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Social Planning Network of Ontario (SPNO) is a coalition of social planning councils (SPC), community development councils (CDC), resource centres, and planning committees located in various communities throughout Ontario. Learn more at  https://www.spno.ca/about-us

PREVNet a national network of leading researchers and organizations, working together to stop bullying in Canada. It is the first of its kind in this country and a world leader in bullying prevention. Through education, research, training and policy change, PREVNet aims to stop the violence caused by bullying - so every child can grow up happy, healthy and safe. Learn more at https://www.prevnet.ca/

Please indicate your participation through the Doodle Poll kindly include the organization/agency you are affiliated with.

Meeting information, the link to join-the meeting and, the meeting agenda will be make available the week of April 22nd.

Looking forward to your participation!


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