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Call for Proposals

OSCA/ACOSO 2019 celebrates 55 years of leading the way in Guidance and Career Education in Ontario. In helping students to become architects of their own lives (Creating Pathways to Success, page 10), this year's conference is designed to explore the unique opportunities available to our students as they begin "Constructing a Bright Future: Avenues for Career and Personal Decision Making.” We are seeking presentation proposals that will focus on two main themes in order to provide our members with the highest quality professional development. Each day will focus on one of the themes.

Conference Subthemes

Mental Health and Well-being

Ontario students come to us from diverse backgrounds and with a complex set of experiences and needs. We have seen a rise in the number of students who are dealing with social/emotional issues, and mental health promotion is a focus for school boards across the province. Meeting the needs related to mental health and well-being will be the focus of these workshops designed to assist counsellors in understanding and supporting today’s learner. Share how you have informed, engaged and supported all types of learners in fostering positive mental health and well-being practices.

Modern Pathways

The landscape of the workplace is changing rapidly. Future Ready students will need strong leadership and global competencies to be competitive as they meet the expectations of this new environment. Share how you are engaging students in their future pathways with knowledge of labour market information, innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship.

OSCA/ACOSO 2019 Call for Proposals / Appel à propositions

Deadline for submission / Date limite pour la soumission:

June 13 2019 / 13 Juin 2019

All workshop submissions will receive an automatic confirmation acknowledging receipt when you submit the Call for Proposal form. With your submission, you are offering to present on either day of the conference. Commercial focused providers are encouraged to review the exhibitor options available for conference exposure. All workshop submissions will receive an email after June 15th confirming whether or not it was accepted. OSCA/ACOSO reserves the right to make final presentation selections and edit abstracts. All workshops are presented on a voluntary basis.

There is no remuneration paid by OSCA/ACOSO for workshop presentations or expenses.


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