
OSCA/ACOSO's 55th Annual Conference - Thank You from your Board of Directors

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Thank you to all who attended this year's conference, making it a huge success! The conference this year was sold out and we wish to thank all of our participants, sponsors and exhibitors as well as our key note speakers and workshop presenters. A new venue, a new time, new sponsors and a new format all made this a unique opportunity for change. Our board of directors thanks you for your support, encouragement, and participation. A special thank you goes to our two main sponsors University of Toronto Mississauga and School Mental Health Ontario (SMHO).

At the Annual General Meeting, 6 new directors were elected. The board now says good-bye to the Vice President of Professional Development Ron Perron, and the Vice President of Governance Grace Osmond. The new board is eager to serve the guidance counsellors of Ontario and we have already begun to plan the conference for 2020. OSCA Forward! 


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