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A Message from the President, Nicole Trotter


In like a lion and out like a lamb. That is definately how our March has started off and how I hope it ends. Between course selection, time tabling, tentative assignments, striking, picketing and everything about teaching, it has been a whirlwind for 2020 thus far.  As we prepare to take some time next week to relax, recharge and gain some strength, I know that the common feeling is that we are all tired.  And that is okay, we truly have been up to battle and have been putting our best foot forward. But by recognizing that we are tired, the best thing for our souls is to stop and take time for our selves. So despite the urge to tune into the news or social media or check our board emails, take a mental break not only from our jobs but from the many messages that bombard us daily. Slow down and unwind and enjoy the beauty of doing nothing. From the OSCA/ACOSO Family we are wishing everyone a safe and restful March break.


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