
OSCA Advocacy

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This past fall, OSCA provided input into the current situations facing students as they apply to colleges and universities for the 2021-2022 school year. OSCA is aware of issues affecting university/college applications. Guidance Counsellors are urged to continue to advocate for equity for all students by discussing the issues with the post-secondary institutions.

These issues include, but are not limited to:

  • Some high schools are scheduled by quadmester. therefore. it appears that 6 U/M courses or prerequisite courses are not projected during this school year.
  • Quadmester 1 transmission data errors; time was not allowed for schools to correct before OUAC/OCAS had access.
  • Gr. 11 marks from COVID Spring 2020 are used for admissions purposes, but do not show true capabilities for students adversely affected by COVID.
  • Quadmester E-learning courses are very limited, and schools with fewer offerings are forced to enroll students in full semester E-learning. Students are therefore in 3 courses during one quadmester.
    • Midterm marks show incomplete work; students will complete when they have more time in the next quadmester and have made arrangements with teachers, but marks do not reflect true ability.

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