
Trades Conference for Guidance Educators

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We are pleased to share that we are collaborating with Skills Ontario this year to bring a Trades Conference for Guidance Educators in support of Experiential Professional Learning in the Skilled Trades for Guidance Counsellors to the 2024 Skills Ontario Competition event. Last year, over 450 guidance educators attended and learned about the skilled trades and this year we have the capacity for double that number!

Just a reminder that a total of $3M in funding has been provided to all school boards for guidance teacher-counsellors to participate in experiences to learn about the skilled trades so that they may become more confident in their understanding of the trades and the apprenticeship pathway.  This funding can be used to support conference registration and transportation for counsellors. Please share this information and attachments with guidance staff.

What: Skills Ontario Trades Conference for Guidance Educators

When: Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Where: Toronto Congress Centre

Cost: $250

Registration Link: Skills Ontario: Skilled Trades Conference for Guidance Educators - Skills Ontario


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