
The Collection Y.E.O. – Grade 11 student’s project

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Dear Educator,

I am very excited to introduce The Collection Y.E.O. to you!

The Collection is a website resource that showcases over 100 enrichment opportunities available to high school students across Canada. The website provides links, dates, eligibility requirements and more information about each opportunity.

As a keen high school student myself I know how difficult it is to find quality opportunities outside of the traditional classroom. My hope is that students can use The Collection to find opportunities that spark fosters learning, enrichment, and community involvement.

The website is: collectionyeo.com and is cost free for users.

I would be very grateful if you would share The Collection across your community. There
are many different ways to direct your students to the website:

  • Physically you can hang our poster in your classroom for students to see. We also have a handout of our top 10 opportunities for you to provide to your students.
  • For promotion via your website, newsletter or social media we also have materials for you to use.

I hope that your students and educational community will benefit from our website!

Please contact me if you have any questions, comments or advice!

Ray-Ray Gingras
Ray-Ray Gingras | Grade 11 High School Student
Founder & President;
The Collection | Youth Enrichment Opportunities


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