Career Studies Grade 10, Open (GLC2O) Guidance and Career Education Revised Edition is Here!


There's been a lot of discussion lately about when we'd see the new curriculum document for the Career Studies course (GLC2O) and it's finally here.

This document presents the revised and updated curriculum expectations for the compulsory Grade 10 Career Studies course (GLC2O). This revised course supersedes the course outlined in The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: Guidance and Career Education, 2006. Beginning in September 2019, the Grade 10 Career Studies course implemented in all Ontario secondary schools will be based on the expectations outlined in this document. The revised Career Studies course will be available on the new Ontario digital curriculum platform that is planned for launch in fall 2019. The curriculum expectations and the achievement chart for the course are being shared in advance, in the present document, to support program planning. Educators should be aware that, with the exception of this course, the 2006 Guidance and Career Education document for Grades 9 and 10 remains in effect. The Grade 9 course Learning Strategies I: Skills for Success in Secondary School (GLS1O, GLE1O, GLE2O) and the Grade 10 course Discovering the Workplace (GLD2O) will continue to be based on the curriculum expectations outlined in that document.

To see the complete document go here.

If  you'd like to view the differences from the previous curriculum, take a look, as the new curriculum is much more extensive than the old.